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February 11, 2003 By Jeff Miller

Photo of a cow's udder.

A natural beauty?
Robert O’Brien, a professor of surgical science in the School of Veterinary Medicine, uses ultrasound to test cow udders for disease at Charmany Instructional Facilities. However, an unexpected application of the technique is to detect artificially enhanced udders in the competitive world of bovine judging at dairy exhibitions.

Photo of a ferrosphere, an electronic-music visualization prototype created for the Engineering's Innovation Day competition.

Rockin’ Roundball
A mesmerized spectator, whose image is reflected in the black ball, listens to computer engineering senior Ryan Wolff (hands pictured) describe the inner workings of his ferrosphere, an electronic-music visualization prototype. Wolff and partner Matt Hungerford (not pictured) entered the prototype into the college of Engineering’s Innovation Day competition, Feb. 10. The entry won third place for the Tong Prototype Prize.