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School of Social Work plans to launch part-time master’s program next fall

March 5, 2009 By Heather Gjerde

In September, the School of Social Work will offer a part-time master of social work program.

Offered at two sites — UW–Madison and UW–Eau Claire — the program has been designed to offer a master’s program that can serve full-time employees, as well as others who are unable to pursue a full-time education, by offering Saturday classes throughout the year.

Madison and Eau Claire social work faculty have worked closely in developing the Eau Claire site. For students who received undergraduate degrees in social work within the last seven years, the program would take two years (those with BSWs older than seven years may have additional requirements,) for those with any other degree it would take four.

This new part-time program would allow people to pursue higher education without having to leave their jobs, if those jobs meet certain requirements.

Faculty planners of the new program have been working to create something that will meet the increasing demand for social workers in Wisconsin, especially in the Madison area and the northwest region of the state. “We are very pleased that we are able to launch this program and grateful for the support we have received from the faculty and staff at all levels of the university system,” says Bill Heiss, assistant director of the School of Social Work.

The emphasis of this program in its initial years will be on child and family welfare. There is a strong need in Wisconsin for highly trained professional social workers in the areas of child welfare, school social work, and supportive family services.

Forty-eight spots will be available on each campus: half for the two-year program, and the other half for the four-year program.

Funding comes from UW–Eau Claire, the College of Letters and Science, the Division of Continuing Studies, and the state Department of Children and Families.