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Scenes from the first day of class, 2023-24

September 6, 2023

UW–Madison students made their way to the classroom on the first day of the 2023-24 school year on a campus still doused in summertime humidity, but with the promise of cooler temperatures ahead.

The scenes had a comforting familiarity: Crowds of students chatted and laughed as they walked to classes, stopped bystanders to ask for directions and greeted fellow students as they settled into their seats in lecture halls and classrooms.

We followed along with three first-year students as they navigated their first day.

Olivia Cerro

Olivia Cerro of Madison is a computer science major who lives in Slichter Residence Hall.

“I’m excited to explore and learn more about the field of computers and to have more experiences and eat good food with new people,” Cerro said. “I’m excited to reinvent myself as the person I always want to be but never could be.”

Jayquan Jaeger

Jayquan Jaeger of Madison has wide-ranging interests — he hopes to double major in astronomy and theater. And his first day reflected that, with some piano practice along with a theater class. He lives in Dejope Residence Hall.

Gabriella Ortiz

Gabriella Ortiz of Waukesha hopes to double major in neurobiology and Spanish while on a pre-med track. She lives in Witte Residence Hall.

“I am venturing into this university with motivation that is founded from my Hispanic heritage and experiences through shadowing and internships at the Medical College of Wisconsin,” said Ortiz, whose family has Guatemalan roots.