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Review Of Primate Center Policies and Procedures: Statement by Graduate School Dean Virginia S. Hinshaw

August 27, 1997

“On August 11, 1997, I stopped any further assignments of UW monkeys from the Henry Vilas Zoo colony to invasive research projects. Today, I am taking two additional steps to clarify and confirm that existing policies and procedures at the Wisconsin Regional Primate Center support the important research efforts of the Center.

  1. I will meet with the directors of the Primate Center and the Henry Vilas Park Zoo to ensure that there is a complete understanding of the existing policy and that the policy be accurately and effectively communicated to Primate Center personnel.
  2. I have appointed Dr. Christine Parks, the director of the campus Research Animal Resources Center (RARC), to review and evaluate several aspects of animal assignments at the Primate Center to ensure that appropriate processes are in place, particularly with regard to the Vilas colony. In this review, she will:
    1. examine the animal assignment procedure to define any need for additional sign-offs, protocol reviews or controls in the current approval process;
    2. review the prior assignment of any Vilas monkey to determine if there is any need to change that assignment;
    3. provide a recommendation, in conjunction with the Graduate School Animal Care Committee, regarding the feasibility of reassigning monkeys currently involved in invasive protocols (of the 26 animals in this situation, 10 are now in the breeding program, but the other 16 need to be evaluated);
    4. work with the campus animal care committees to investigate whether any other “local” agreements or unusual arrangements might exist which would require additional oversight.

“I have asked Dr. Parks to undertake this review because she has both the expertise and experience needed for this endeavor. In addition, she will seek advice from outside experts during the reivew. RARC, although not directly involved in animal assignments, is responsible for maintaining the high standards for animal care on the campus. Her participation also provides the opportunity to confirm that the Primate Center has appropriate practices and record-keeping in place to meet these high standards. A new director is currently being recruited and this individual will certainly need such confirmation in planning for the future.”