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Regents To Take Action on Investment Policy

March 5, 1997

The UW System Board of Regents will update its investment policy at its March 6-7 meeting. The anticipated decision follows concerns expressed by students at UW–Madison, UW-Eau Claire and UW-Stevens Point, who believe that social criteria should be another factor to consider when investing System funds.

“The language we have that has to do with socially responsible investing will be updated,” says Peter Fox, public information officer for UW System. “Some people erroneously think we do not have a policy. We do.”

The Regents’ Business and Finance Committee will examine the investment policy and make a recommendation to the full board. The students have pushed for a review board to examine the UW portfolio.

In other action, the Regents will review a report on the “graying of the faculty,” says Fox. “The UW System is soon to be entering a period where up to 25 percent of faculty will be retiring. We’ve got to start planning for how these faculty will be replaced.”

Regents also will review a report on how to improve student advising services throughout the UW System and hear from System President Katharine Lyall on a system-wide survey of recent alumni and their level of satisfaction with their UW education.

The Regents will meet on the 18th floor of Van Hise Hall starting at noon Thursday, March 6. Regents will hear a report on Gov. Tommy Thompson’s proposed 1997-99 budget and then break up into committees. On Friday, March 7, the board begins meeting at 8:30 a.m. in the same location.