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Photo essay: Snow day

February 28, 2006

Photos: Jeff Miller

Photo of statue covered by snow

A statue resembles a snow-covered sentinel.

After a relatively mild winter, snow recently arrived in full force, blanketing Allen Centennial Gardens. Regardless of the weather, the gardens are open daily from dawn to dusk. The 2.5-acre outdoor classroom gardens offer research and training opportunities and ecological and site management techniques for UW–Madison’s horticulture department. The gardens also are used as an exhibition space: Rachel Dorn, an MFA student in ceramic art, will have work on display work from April 23-May 13.

Photo of Alllen Centennial Gardens Gazebo in winter

A gazebo provides a sheltered view of a heavy snowfall that blanketed Allen Centennial Gardens in February. The gardens are centered around a Victorian gothic house on the agricultural campus, which was one of the first buildings on the agricultural campus and was home to the college’s first four deans. Today, the house holds the offices of the Agricultural Research Stations.

Photo of plant marker under snow

Plant markers, dead plant stalks and mysterious, snow-covered shapes provide evidence of resting plants awaiting a spring revival. Allen Centennial Gardens is a horticultural teaching garden managed by the Department of Horticulture. The gardens are open to the public daily.