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Panel issues report on research enterprise

February 24, 2010 By Dennis Chaptman

A University Committee-appointed panel this week issued a number of recommendations regarding the needs and structure of UW–Madison’s research enterprise.

The report grew out of the campuswide discussion that began last year concerning administration plans to reorganize the research enterprise and is founded by a set of principles established by the panel.

The eight-page report prepared by a panel chaired by biochemistry professor Hector DeLuca included these major recommendations, urging the administration to:

  • Retain a close relationship between research and graduate education within the Graduate School.
  • Create a new position of vice chancellor for research and dean of the Graduate School.
  • Expand and support the roles of the four divisional associate deans of the Graduate School and
  • Move the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs and the responsibility for compliance and safety to the vice chancellor for administration.

The committee believes that, if implemented, the recommendations will “strengthen the research organization at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, preserve the essential link between education and research and position our institution for continued success.”

View the full report.

“Excellence in research and graduate education is a cornerstone of our mission,” the committee’s report says. “We educate through research and the intimate relationship between the research enterprise and graduate education is a great strength and foundation of our success as an institution.”

In a joint statement, Chancellor Biddy Martin and Provost Paul DeLuca, after reviewing the faculty report and having a preliminary conversation with the University Committee, said they were inclined to agree with the major recommendations of the faculty report.

“We accept the wisdom of the members of the faculty ad hoc committee and their views about the continued relationship between research and graduate education. We also agree that having a formal position of vice chancellor for research and dean of the Graduate School is necessary, elevating that position from a working title,” they said.

“We are eager to hear from the broader campus community and are committed to working with the University Committee and faculty on developing and implementing a plan of action before the conclusion of the academic year,” they said.

The faculty panel also found that the Graduate School is the best administrative home for the Graduate School centers, including the Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery.

As for the new position, the panel urged that the new position report to the chancellor on matters of research and to the provost on matters involving graduate education.

“This reporting structure is in no way intended to separate research from graduate education, but rather to elevate the research enterprise to vice chancellor status,” the report states.

Martin and DeLuca expressed appreciation for the work of the faculty panel and the Academic Staff Ad Hoc Committee on the Research Enterprise, which was issued last month. View the academic staff report.

“We would like to thank both the faculty and academic staff committees for their commitment, time and energy in preparing these reports. Our research enterprise is a complex and vital function and its effective administration is critical to the university’s mission,” they said.