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Open house planned for safety department project

January 19, 1999 By Brian Mattmiller

The UW–Madison Safety Department will hold an open house from 4-7 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 21 to inform the Madison community on construction plans at the Environmental Management Center (EMC).

The open house, at 30 N. Murray St., will be followed by a question- and-answer session. Safety department staff will be available to answer any questions from the public about the proposed new construction at EMC, which would provide the campus with new chemical waste storage and handling facilities.

On Feb. 1, the Madison Plan Commission will hold a public hearing on the university’s request for a conditional use permit to construct the new facility within the present Stores Building.

David Drummond, director of safety, said the new facility would provide a safe and modern approach to chemical and radioactive waste management on campus. It will also consolidate current operations at two different sites on campus with the department offices. The safety department provides environmental protection, laboratory safety, radiation safety and other services for the university. For more information about the open house, contact the safety office at (608) 262-8769.