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On Campus news briefs

September 21, 1999

Cesaria Evora to perform at the Union Theater
Vocalist Cesaria Evora, a native of Cape Verde, will perform soulful interpretations of her homeland’s traditional morna songs Friday, Oct. 1, starting at 8 p.m. in the Wisconsin Union Theater.

Morna (a cousin of the blues, sung in Cape Verdean Creole) is gaining a global audience. The graceful power and soulful passion Evora displays on her recordings and in concert have inspired comparisons to Billie Holiday, Edith Piaf and other legendary female vocalists.

Tickets, at $25 each ($24 for Union Members and $12 for UW–Madison students), are available at the Union Theater Box Office in the Memorial Union, or by calling 262-2201. Additional information:

Celebration marks Langer’s career
The Wisconsin Alumni Association will celebrate the 40-year career of WAA’s Executive Director Gayle M. Langer at the Monona Terrace Convention Center beginning at 5:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 17.

Place reservations by Oct. 7. Cost: $65 per person. Vegetarian meals available. Business attire appropriate. More information or reservations: 262-9589.

Artist champions free speech
Performance artist Tim Miller, a champion of free speech, will be in residence at the university theatre and drama program Sept. 24-Oct. 6.

Miller is one of the “NEA Four” artists who challenged revocation of their grants by the National Endowment for the Arts because of gay themes.

Sally Banes, the professor of theatre and drama instrumental in bringing Miller here, says Miller has a gift for teaching. Miller and UW–Madison students will together develop an experimental piece for a free performance Tuesday, Oct. 5, at 7:30 p.m. in Hemsley Theatre, Vilas Hall.

In addition to collaborating with students, Miller will draw on his own experiences for “Shirts and Skins,” a theater piece based on his book of the same name. He will present the work, which contains nudity, Sept. 30 and Oct. 1 at 7:30 p.m. in the Mitchell Theatre of Vilas Hall. Tickets, $7, are available at the Vilas Hall Box Office, 262-1500.