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National conference to highlight public service

April 2, 1999

Local and national experts plan to gather April 7-9 at UW–Madison for a national conference that will examine the public service mission of land grant institutions.

Yvonne Fangmeyer, of the UW–Madison Dean of Students Office, says that the national conference, “Envisioning Public Service in the 21st Century,” will examine the role of universities and colleges in developing civic responsibility and lifelong commitment to service in students.

See also:
Service learning at UW–Madison

Guest speakers include William C. Richardson, president and chief executive officer of the Kellogg Foundation; Judith Ramaley, president of the University of Vermont; Pierre Sauvage, Los Angeles filmmaker; Ed Skloot, executive director of the Surdna Foundation; UW–Madison Chancellor David Ward; and William Cronon, UW–Madison history professor.

The UW System has a rich history in its commitment to providing public service, Fangmeyer notes. Public service is the foundation of the Wisconsin Idea, a commitment made early this century to extend UW expertise and resources beyond the boundaries of the campus to the people of the state, the nation, and the world.

Service learning integrates service to the community with academic study. Partnerships between the community and the university provide opportunities which foster student learning.

The conference will be held at the UW–Madison Memorial Union and is open to anyone. Registration is $200; day rates of $100 are available; and admission to individual events also is available at varying costs.

Here are some highlights of the conference schedule:

  • Wednesday, April 7
  • William C. Richardson, Kellogg Foundation, “Envisioning Public Service at Land Grant Institutions in the 21st Century.” 4:30 p.m. Great Hall, Memorial Union, 800 Langdon St. Free, open to the public.

    Thursday, April 8

  • UW-Madison Chancellor David Ward, “Service Learning and the ‘Campus Culture’ of Research Universities.” 8:30 a.m. Great Hall, Memorial Union.
  • “Schools of Hope” panel presentation: Leslie Ann Howard, Dean Charles Read, Frank Denton, Neil Heinen, Marianne Bloch, Mayor Sue Bauman and Art Rainwater. 10 a.m., Tripp Commons, Memorial Union.
  • President Judith Ramaley, University of Vermont. “The Role of Higher Education in Creating Good Citizens” 12:15 a.m. Great Hall, Memorial Union.
  • Pierre Sauvage, Los Angeles filmmaker, “The Holocaust: Americans Who Cared.” 7:30 p.m. Great Hall, Memorial Union. Free, open to the public.

    Friday, April 9

  • Tim Stanton, Stanford University and Jeff Howard, University of Michigan, share success and challenges in developing and maintaining their nationally-renowned programs. 8:30 a.m., Tripp Commons, Memorial Union.
  • Edward Skloot, Executive Director, Surdna Foundation, “Service and Service-Learning: The View From An Engaged Foundation. 10 a.m., Tripp Commons, Memorial Union.
  • UW-Madison Professor William Cronon, “Making A Difference.” 1 p.m. Tripp Commons, Memorial Union.