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September 9, 2003


Lori M. Berquam has been named associate dean of students; her previous position was assistant dean of students. The associate dean serves as chief judicial affairs officer, directs the Student Advocacy and Judicial Affairs Team, and shares a leadership role in strategic planning efforts for the division. Prior to joining the Dean of Students office, Berquam served as assistant residence life director in University Housing.

Judy Brodd has been appointed director of International Student Services (ISS), where she had served as interim director since late 2002. A unit of the Dean of Students office, ISS provides services and programs to more than 3,700 international students. The office also serves as a campus resource to faculty and staff.

Aili Mari Tripp has been named associate dean in the Office of International Studies and Programs for the Division of International Studies. Tripp is an associate professor of political science and women’s studies and director of the Women’s Studies Research Center. She succeeds Michael Hinden, who is returning to full-time teaching after more than a decade as associate dean.

Danny Westerman was recently appointed assistant tennis coach. He was a standout member of the tennis team, where he played from 1998-2002 while attending UW–Madison.


Philip Gorski, associate professor of sociology and director of the Max and Marianne Weber Center for Comparative Social Analysis, has published “The Disciplinary Revolution: Calvinism and the Rise of the State in Early Modern Europe” (University of Chicago Press, 2003).

Velcheru Narayana Rao, Krishnadevaraya Professor of Languages and Cultures of Asia, has published “Hibiscus on the Lake: Twentieth-Century Telugu Poetry from India” (University of Wisconsin Press, 2003).


Jim Kitchell, professor with the Department of Zoology and the Institute for Environmental Studies, was recently awarded the American Fisheries Society Award of Excellence. The award is given to outstanding scientists in the fields of fisheries and aquatic biology.

Ronald Raines, professor of biochemistry and chemistry, has been named a 2004 recipient of the Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award by the American Chemical Society.

Philip Z. Sobocinski, assistant director in the Office of Corporate Relations, has been named by the U.S. Small Business Administration as the recipient of its first Wisconsin and Regional Small Business Research Advocate of the Year. He was recognized for his work promoting small business through research, including efforts to develop an enhanced technology transfer climate for Wisconsin and for identifying the role of technology-based small business in economic development.

The School of Human Ecology recently presented Excellence in Outreach Awards to faculty for their work in teaching, research and service. Stephen Small, professor of human development and family studies, received the Excellence in Outreach Award for Teaching for his work with the Hmong Family Strengthening Project in Eau Claire, which has helped to establish programs supportive of Hmong families raising children in a new culture. Judi Bartfeld, professor of consumer science, received the Excellence in Outreach Award for Research for her work with county and state organizations to gather data and inform state policymakers about hunger in Wisconsin. Michael Gutter, professor of consumer science, received the Excellence in Outreach Award for Service for promoting financial education through numerous activities, including helping to establish the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program in the University Community Partnership Office on South Park Street. The Excellence in Outreach recognition carries a $500 award, which is supported in part by the UW–Madison Morgridge Center for Public Service.


The Neuroscience Training Program, UW–Madison’s graduate program in neuroscience, has received over $3 million from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences for the renewal of its training grant. The grant provides support for 14 graduate students.

The Medical School was awarded a $299,942 grant from The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF). The grant will help Bruce Barret, assistant professor at the Medical School, continue his research on the common cold. Barret has been named a Generalist Physician Faculty fellow by the RWJF.

Other milestones

Kyle Stiegart, professor of agricultural and applied economics, delivered a paper at the 30th Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics, held in August in Helsinki, Finland. Stiegert, director of the UW’s Food System Research Group, co-authored the paper with agricultural and applied economics graduate student Shinn-Shyr Wang.