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November 2, 1999


Lynette M. Korenic was appointed director of the Kohler Art Library, located in the Elvehjem Museum, Sept. 1. She replaces William Bunce, who served as director for nearly 29 years and retired in May. Korenic has been an art librarian at Indiana University and the University of California-Santa Barbara, where she is a Ph.D. candidate in art history.

Kathleen Poi, associate director of University Health Services and clinical professor of nursing, will become acting director of University Health Services effective Monday, Nov. 15. Poi will serve until a replacement is found for Richard Keeling, UHS director for the past six years and soon-to-be CEO of a college health services consulting group in New York City.

Julie Cotton, referral coordinator at the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, received the Outstanding VMTH Employee of the Year award.

William P. Morgan, professor and coordinator of graduate studies in kinesiology, was one of 22 exercise scientists from around the world who was inducted into the Olympic Academy of Science of the International Olympic Committee.

Jonathan L. Temte, an assistant professor in family medicine, is one of eight doctors nationwide who will receive an Advanced Research Training Grant from the American Academy of Family Physicians. The two-year, approximately $100,000 grant will allow Temte to strengthen his professional training in the study and surveillance of infectious diseases, particularly focusing on common viruses like influenza. The grant also will support several of Temte’s ongoing projects.

The father-son team of William H. Tishler, professor of landscape architecture, and William P. Tishler, a broadcast specialist in Learning Support Services, won the 1999 Communications Award from the American Society of Landscape Architects for their documentary film, “Jens Jensen: A Natural History.” The award was given at the society’s centennial anniversary celebration.

Klaus Westphal, faculty associate in geology and geophysics, received a 1999 Tapestry Award for excellence in science education from the National Science Teachers Association and Toyota Motor Sales, USA.

Charles O. Jones, professor emeritus of political science, had two books published recently: “Separate But Equal Branches: Congress and the Presidency,” second edition (Chatham House Publishers, 1999) and “Clinton and Congress, 1993-1996: Risk, Restoration, and Reelection” (University of Oklahoma Press, 1999).

Laura McClure, associate professor of classics, authored “Spoken Like Woman: Speech and Gender in Athenian Drama,” which was published in September (Princeton University Press, 1999).

Timothy Tyson, assistant professor of Afro-American studies, wrote “Radio Free Dixie: Robert F. Williams and the Roots of Black Power,” which was published in October (University of North Carolina Press, 1999).

Sally Sieloff Magnan, professor of French, Yvonne Rochette Ozzello, professor emerita of French, Laurey Martin-Berg, senior lecturer in French, and William J. Berg, professor of French, have published a new first-year college French textbook, “Paroles,” and its associated Manuel d’activités écrites et de labo, video, and CD-ROM (Harcourt Publishers, 1999).