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Media Relations at UW-Madison: Year in Review

November 18, 2008

University Communications (UC) has released more than 700 stories this year promoting the ideas, expertise, discoveries and accomplishments of UW–Madison people and programs. This production is instrumental to reinforcing, through the media, UW–Madison’s profoundly strong image and reputation across the world.

This month-by-month snapshot shows how the UC media team and its colleagues in the schools and colleges drive significant media exposure at the state, national and international levels. Writers work to identify and produce stories that have major media potential and the photography and design teams bring visual power to the stories.

The office uses the most influential tools in the news industry to disseminate and promote news, but many stories get coverage through active pitches and strong relationship-building with reporters, editors and news directors.

While advancing UW–Madison’s stellar reputation is the top goal, the work also brings much-deserved recognition to many of the university’s top scholars for their contributions in the public interest.

The following review covers November 2007 to October 2008, and includes only stories triggered by UW–Madison news releases.

November 2007

December 2007

January 2008

February 2008

March 2008

April 2008

May 2008

June 2008

July 2008

August 2008

  • A series of editorial board visits by Chancellor Carolyn “Biddy” Martin paid dividends in the opening weeks of her tenure, giving the public a window into her style and priorities. It also generated some welcoming and encouraging editorials from WSJ, CT (including video clips), the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and The Associated Press also produced an executive profile of Martin that appeared in news outlets throughout the Midwest.
  • University Research Park Director Mark Bugher announces a plan to sink roots in downtown Madison with an innovative urban incubator designed for high-tech companies. A press conference on the development was covered by WSJ, CT,, Wisconsin Radio Network, Channel 3 and Channel 27.
  •  Faced with growing concerns from development and stormwater problems, botany professor Joy Zedler enlisted the help of University Communications to develop greater public awareness of the problems facing the UW Arboretum. In-depth stories appeared in WSJ and CT, helping frame issues for public input.
  • A study by evolutionary biologist Sean Carroll helped explain the origin of manes, antlers, plumes and other peculiar male traits in the animal kingdom. The story was covered by WSJ and CT.
  • Engineer Mike Oliva‘s expertise on bridge construction and safety was in heavy demand after a report assessing bridge safety nationwide. Oliva was quoted in the Associated Press, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and Wisconsin Radio Network. Oliva was also the subject of a Wisconsin Idea profile and video exploring safer bridge technology.

September 2008

October 2008