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Madison Area Clothesline Project on display

March 25, 1998

The Madison Area Clothesline Project (MACP), part of an international grassroots project to raise awareness about the impact of sexual assault on individuals and communities, will be displayed at the following times and sites:

March 25 – April 27, University Health Services (UHS), 1552 University Ave. and 905 University Ave.

March 27 – March 29, Memorial Union, as part of the National Student Conference on Campus Sexual Violence

MACP is a visual display of shirts with written messages and illustrations by female and male survivors, their families and friends. MACP was started in 1995 by a group of student employees at UHS and several campus and community agencies, including Hillel, the Campus Women’s Center, Rape Crisis Center, and Domestic Abuse Intervention Services. Since its creation, UHS has housed the project and provided administrative and other staffing support. Coordinating responsibilities are now being transferred to the Campus Women’s Center.

Blank shirts and art supplies will be available in a private area during the displays, providing opportunities for survivors, friends and family to make shirts representing their own experiences. People who make shirts can either take them home or add them to the display.

Also available will be fabric and other art materials for “healthy relationship panels,” depicting experiences with and hopes for peaceful, equitable and healthy relationships.

Viewers in the Madison area have responded positively to past displays, writing the following comments:

“So moving, overwhelming, and crushing. More people need to feel this – to understand the pain and out of it receive some peace.”

“Not easy to witness, but at the same time, I’m so glad it’s here.”

“Even when you are aware of the problems, seeing this brings it all home. That it is real and not just clean, debatable statistics.”

There will be an opening reception Friday, April 3, 4:30 to 6 pm., 1552 University Ave., third floor waiting area. Light refreshments will be served.