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Lyall urges effort to help pass budget

May 17, 1999

More information about the biennial budget

With the Legislature’s budget committee about to take up the UW System budget for 1999-2001, faculty and staff should call or write their legislators and urge them to support the proposed spending plan.

UW System President Katharine Lyall delivered that message Tuesday, May 4, at Memorial Union during the last Roundtable speech of the academic year.

The Legislature’s Joint Finance Committee is expected to take action in the next week on the UW System budget recommended by Gov. Tommy Thompson. After the Joint Finance Committee approves the budget – which Lyall calls the best in a decade for the UW System – it goes to the Assembly and Senate for review.

“Get out there and let those cards and letters fly,” Lyall told the luncheon crowd. After the speech, aides to Lyall reminded employees to call or write on their own time and not use university resources.