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Issues coordinator named for LGBT student services

September 1, 1999

Sara Hinkel has been named lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender issues coordinator at UW–Madison.

Hinkel is scheduled to start work Monday, Sept. 13, in the Dean of Students Office. She will be attending the Dean of Students Office Annual LGBT Welcome Reception and Resource Fair, taking place on Tuesday, Sept. 14, 4:30-6 p.m. at Memorial Union to meet members of the campus community.

For the past two years, she has been the director of student activities and leadership education at Edgewood College in Madison. Before that, from 1994-97, she coordinated the Diversity Resource Center at UW-La Crosse. She was a founder and president of the UW-La Crosse GLB Student Organization from 1991-95, and chaired the UW-La Crosse Chancellor’s Committee on GLBT Equity.

“We are very pleased that we have been provided with the resources to develop this initiative,” says Mary Rouse, an assistant vice chancellor and dean of students. The position is funded through program revenues, not state tax money or tuition.

The hiring of a full-time LGBT issues coordinator achieves one of the recommendations in the Faculty Senate LGB Issues Committee report issued in April 1997. Hiring a full-time liaison to the LGBT student community was a key item among the program enhancements suggested by the committee as ways to give greater support to LGBT students from admission through graduation.

“We also appreciate this committee’s instrumental role in serving as the search and screen group for this position,” adds Janice Sheppard, assistant dean of students, who has previously served as the office’s liaison to the LGBT community and will be supervisor for the new position.

The LGBT issues coordinator’s hiring continues university efforts to effectively address issues and needs of students in the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community. Other currently available resources include:

  • The Speak Up! program sponsored by the Dean of Students Office serves as a reporting and follow-up service for harassment issues on campus.
  • University Housing LGBT liaisons serve all staff and residents living in University Residence Halls. Liaisons coordinate socials, meetings, and serve as contacts within housing on LGBT issues.

In addition to services provided by the university, student-run groups provide resources and support to LGBT students. The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Campus Center will sponsor an open house Sunday, Aug. 29, at 9 p.m., and will hold a LGBT Welcome Tuesday, Aug. 31, 4:30-6:30 p.m. at Memorial Union.