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ISIS transition continues through spring

January 28, 1999

The implementation of the new student records system at UW–Madison continues as planned and should be completed by late spring.

Financial Aid and Student Financial Services recently joined the Admissions Office and the Timetable publication in going online with the Integrated Student Information System, or ISIS. Admissions at both the undergraduate and graduate levels and Timetable began using ISIS in August.

ISIS is replacing the Integrated Student Data System, best known by its “3270” transaction code. Some 3270 transactions from other systems will not directly be affected by the new system.

“We are surely on the road to a ‘state of the art’ system that will ultimately better serve our students and other customers for many years to come,” said Steven Van Ess, director of the Office of Student Financial Services, in a memo to employees.

ISIS officials say the new information system will greatly enhance student data processing and retrieval. The campus is working with PeopleSoft, a leading provider of software to colleges and universities, to implement the system.

The campus is broken down into several modules that are making the transition to ISIS. Those modules yet to come online are Continuing Studies, Student Records, Academic Advising, and Advancement, which focuses on alumni issues. All will be using ISIS by April.

The ISIS transition has caused a bit of a delay in processing admissions applications from high school seniors. But that process is steadily improving, says Rob Seltzer, director of admissions.

“We are beginning to catch up,” Seltzer says. “We are getting wonderful help from Student Financial Services and the Registrar’s Office in getting the applications ready for review.”

In terms of training, many campus employees continue to be educated about ISIS. System officials say that 1,130 employees have already participated in 95 training sessions.

For detailed information on ISIS, visit the ISIS web site, or call ISIS Communications Coordinator Mike Roeder at 263-4824.