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Hoofer clubs invite new members

August 31, 2001

If the outdoors beckons, you’ll want to visit the annual Wisconsin Hoofer Club-wide Kickoff, Thursday, September 6, 7:30 p.m., Great Hall, Memorial Union.

Representatives from all seven Hoofer Outdoor Clubs — Gliding, Mountaineering, Outing, Riding, Sailing, Scuba and Ski and Snowboard — will be on hand to answer questions and provide information. Refreshments and giveaways are also provided.

You can also register to win a Hoofer gift certificate and sign up for lessons. Remember, anyone can join Hoofers.

The event is sponsored by Associated Students of Madison and Hoofers, which is one of 10 student programming committees of the Wisconsin Union Directorate, which developed, manages and promotes more than 1,000 events annually on campus and in the Madison community.

For more information, contact Steve Schroeder,, 262-1630.