Heat wave: Rec Sports closes facilities
Update: The RecSports closures detailed below are again in effect today, Monday, July 16, and will continue through this week.
In addition, campus tours have been shortened and all guests will receive bottled water.
Temperatures in Madison are expected to soar over 100 degrees yet again today.
As a result of the intense heat wave, there have been several changes to normal campus operations. This page will be updated with additional changes, as needed.
Rec Sports: It has been recommended by University Health Services that the Division of Recreational Sports close all non-air conditioned activity spaces with the intent of re-opening as soon as possible. The only exception will be Intercollegiate Athletic summer camps with medical staff on duty.
By facility, the activity spaces that will remain open in each facility are:
- Southeast Recreational Facility (SERF): Cardio room, weight room, racquetball courts, swimming pool.
- Natatorium: Swimming pool
- The Shell and Nielsen Tennis Stadium: Closed until further notice. Updates to facilities and schedules are available here.
Hot weather health tips: UW Health experts are warning the campus community to limit activity to avoid the threat of dehydration, heat exhaustion and heat stroke.
Dr. Allan Mottram in the Department of Emergency Medicine says the symptoms of heat exhaustion — a depletion of the body’s water and/or salt resources — include feeling overheated or lightheaded, fatigue and nausea.
“With heat stroke, which is the more severe form,” he continues, “people are dehydrated to the point they’re not sweating and their temperatures are elevated to a dangerous point. They can become confused and even unconscious.”
Take steps to prevent heat-related illness:
- Keep an eye on the reported heat index, which can be found on a number of online weather sites and is often broadcast on the local news.
- Avoid prolonged exposure to the heat and sun. If you’re outside, seek out shady areas for protection and identify public spaces with air-conditioning as places of refuge from the heat.
- Stay hydrated. Drink enough water, both before you go outside and when you’re exposed to heat.
- Limit your strenuous activities, and be smart about those you can’t avoid. “If you’re doing something like mowing the lawn,” says Mottram, “plan to do those things in the morning or evening, not in the middle of the day.”
Tags: weather