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Graduate School announces Vilas Associates

March 30, 1998

The latest tenured faculty to be named Vilas Associates in the biological, physical and social sciences and in the humanities have been announced by the Graduate School.

Winners will receive funding over the next two years to further research and scholarly efforts. Preference is given to professors with between five and 20 years of experience after tenure. Funding for the programs comes from the Vilas Trustees.

The newest Vilas Associates and their respective programs are:

Biological Sciences: Michael Cox, biochemistry; Theodore Garland, zoology; Ronald Magness, obstetrics and gynecology; M. Thomas Record, biochemistry; Karen Strier, anthropology.

Physical Sciences: Phillip Brown, geology and geophysics; Larry Bundy, soil science; Joseph Cassinelli, astronomy; Mark Ediger, chemistry; Franc Forstneric, mathematics; Robert Hamers, chemistry; Birl Lowery, soil science; Marshall Slemrod, mathematics; Paul Terry, physics; Dieter Zeppenfeld, physics.

Social Sciences: Timothy Baker, psychology; H. Hill Goldsmith, psychology; Elizabeth Holloway, counseling psychology; John Kennan, economics; Ann Orloff, sociology; William Reese, education policy studies; Frank Tuerkheimer, law; Urban Wemmerlov, business; Graham Wilson, political science; Karl Zimmer, geography.

Arts and Humanities: Florence Bernault, history; George Cramer, art; Mimmi Fulmer, music; Linda Hunter, African languages and literature; Leonard Kaplan, law; Jesse Lee Kercheval, English; Mary Layoun, comparative literature; Jean Lee, history; Joseph Salmons, German; Steven Winspur, French and Italian.