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Governor’s commission wraps up work

January 5, 2001

The government relations commission headed by political scientist Don Kettl wrapped up its work on a report recommending changes in government services and funding.

The report of the Governor’s Blue-Ribbon Commission on State-Local Partnerships for the 21st Century recommends a state takeover of county social service and criminal justice programs. The report also suggests the state implement user fees and use the sales tax rather than income or property taxes for programs that can help local governments.

The commission will deliver its report to Gov. Tommy Thompson next week.

Thompson created the commission to study the roles of state and local governments and how they can best provide the most efficient and cost-effective service to Wisconsin residents in the 21st century.

The 31-member commission, chaired by Kettl of the LaFollette School of Public Affairs, is made up of state, local, and education officials; state lawmakers; and Wisconsin residents.

The panel has examined all state-local relations and the operation of local governments should be examined; looked for ways for state and local governments to be partners in delivering services to Wisconsin residents; and examined suggestions to ease conflicts that often develop between different levels of government. Also examined:

  • Funding levels for aid programs, including shared revenue and school aids.
  • State and local taxes, aid formulas, and mandates.
  • Local option revenue sources.
  • Accountability issues, including performance measures.

In addition to Kettl, university-affiliated members of the commission are Steve Malpezzi, Business School, and Mark Bugher, director of the Research Park and Allan Odden, School of Education.