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French connection: Visit helps tighten UW ties

March 21, 2000 By Brian Mattmiller

French Ambassador Francois Bujon de l’Estang may have felt quite at home during portions of his March 3 tour of all things French at UW–Madison.

The morning began with a French-language-only chat over coffee with students and teachers at Madison’s historic French House, the first such language learning community in the nation. That was followed by a review of UW–Madison’s French connections, which range from traditional academic study-abroad to high-technology internships.

The visit later turned all business when Bujon de l’Estang’s entourage toured University Research Park, which the ambassador stressed could be a valuable link for his country’s burgeoning biotechnology industry.

While at the park, Bujon de l’Estang announced a technology-based business partnership between UW–Madison’s park and “La Route des Haute Technologies,” or “High Technology Road,” a collection of companies in the South of France. The director of the French park will be visiting Madison in late April to formalize the “sister park” relationship, says University Research Park Director Mark Bugher.

“As the Wisconsin economy continues to globalize, connections with companies in Europe and the Pacific Rim will become more important,” Bugher says. “This is a logical step for the park, which is generating a lot of international interest.”

The exchange will primarily be information-sharing, Bugher says, but is an important first step in developing more personal ties with the state’s sixth-largest trading partner.

Bujon de l’Estang, ambassador since 1995, spent two days in Wisconsin by invitation of Gov. Tommy Thompson. It marks the first visit to Wisconsin of a French U.S. ambassador since 1984. His itinerary included a public address in Milwaukee and meetings with Gov. Thompson and other state officials.

Gilles Bousquet, chair of the UW–Madison French department, says the visit will help enhance academic, cultural and economic ties with the university, the state and France.