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Former Miss America to speak about sexual assault issues

April 5, 1999

Former Miss America Marilyn Van Derbur will speak about sexual assault and her recovery from incest Tuesday, April 6, on campus. The event, scheduled to start at 7 p.m. in 3650 Humanities, is sponsored by a range of campus and community service groups.

Marilyn Van Derbur
Marilyn Van Derbur

Van Derbur, Miss America in 1958, revealed in 1991 that her socially prominent and wealthy father had sexually abused her from age 5 to 18. Her sister supports her account; her father died 14 years ago.

Since that first revelation, at a Denver ceremony establishing a program to help adults molested as children, Van Derbur has become one of the nation’s most visible advocates for childhood sexual assault survivors. She has spoken often on the subject, and she has produced teaching videos for survivors and the medical community.

Van Derbur has founded and worked with agencies for prevention and treatment of child abuse and neglect, and has worked to strengthen laws protecting adult survivors and child victims of sexual assault.

“There is only one way to heal, and that is to speak of it,” Van Derbur has said in speeches. “When you can stand in front of a group of people and say the words, it’s so freeing. ”