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For the Record

February 22, 2005


Brittingham Foundation offers scholarships
The Brittingham Foundation is accepting proposals for funding distinguished visitors to enrich small upper-level courses or seminars for undergraduates. The Brittingham Visiting Scholar awards are intended to provide sustained interaction between a single distinguished visitor and a specifically designated small group of undergraduates over a period of three days to a week. The program aims to introduce advanced students to those working in their field, and individuals who work outside the academy are encouraged.

The course or seminar should provide a means by which students may obtain honors credit.

The deadline for proposals for the 2005-06 academic year is March 18.

Budgets of up to $2,500 will be considered for each project, although larger awards will be considered under unusual circumstances. Travel expenses, honoraria, special supply needs and other appropriate expenses are included in this award.

Proposals should include:

  • a brief letter from the department chair (or chairs) indicating how the proposed visits will strengthen the education of undergraduate students;
  • a one- to two-page proposal from the faculty member(s) in charge of the main upper-level course(s) in which the visitor will work. The proposal must clearly outline the tasks, schedule and contributions of the visitor(s), including any lectures, workshops, etc., that would benefit students, staff and members of the community; and
  • a budget of estimated expenses to cover the costs of the visit and other material that might be necessary in preparation for the visit or as a result of it. Meals and lodging will be covered by a per diem at the rate of $100 applicable only to the days on which the visitor is working with undergraduates on campus. Proposals should specify the number of days per diem requested. Air fares should be based on economy class, 30-day advance purchase. In proposing honoraria, bear in mind the standards set by other programs on campus, such as those developed by the University Lectures Committee. The honorarium and per diem can be supplemented by the sponsoring unit through other funds.

Departments should forward their proposals for the 2005-2006 academic year to Virginia Sapiro, associate vice chancellor for teaching and learning, by attachment to, preferably in PDF format. If submitted in hard copy, deliver three full copies to Sapiro in 117 Bascom Hall. Announcements of awards will be made by the middle of April. For additional information, contact Sapiro at or 262-5246.

WUD Leadership Awards
The Wisconsin Union Directorate is offering six cash awards and Wisconsin Union life memberships in recognition of people who have contributed their time to the Wisconsin Union and the university community. Nomination and application forms are available in 5210 Memorial Union and will be accepted through March 24. People can nominate themselves or others. The recipients will be announced May 5. For more information, contact Susan Dibbell at or 263-4009.

  • The Porter Butts Creative Arts Award is given to a student who has shown outstanding talent in the arts or who has made an unusual contribution to the furtherance of the arts at the university, in association with the Wisconsin Union.
  • The Henry B. Herman Award is presented to an outstanding undergraduate or graduate student who comes from New York City or its metropolitan area and who shows concern for humanity. Applicants are rated on community service and innovative programming.
  • The Union Trustee Leadership Awards are given to Wisconsin Union Directorate officers, directors, committee members or teams that have demonstrated dependability, creativity, resourcefulness, group interaction and leadership qualities. Eight awards are given with no more than four to directors and officers.
  • The Marion McCammond Award is presented annually to outstanding students of color who have contributed to the university community, greater Madison community or their hometown.
  • The Meyerhoff Undergraduate Excellence Awards for Leadership, Service and Scholarship are presented to juniors and seniors who have shown outstanding leadership and/or community service and who have a strong academic performance. One award is presented to a student affiliated with the Wisconsin Union and another affiliated with the Morgridge Center for Public Service.
  • The Lowell Frautschi Leadership Award is given to students associated with the Wisconsin Union who have shown growth and talent in leadership, have proven such leadership in conjunction with Union programs, activities or services, and show an understanding and awareness of the ideals of the Wisconsin Union.
  • The Walter Pancoe Partnership/Leadership Award is presented annually to a student who has demonstrated participation and/or leadership qualities through involvement in the Pi Lambda Phi Fraternity and with the Wisconsin Union and the Wisconsin Union Directorate.
  • The Dr. Harold C. Bradley Leadership Award is presented annually to a student member of Wisconsin Hoofers who has demonstrated excellent leadership qualities though overall involvement in Hoofer Club activities with special emphasis on recognizing a student whose involvement with Hoofers goes beyond participation in a single club or activity.

WAGE seeks grant proposals
The Center for World Affairs and the Global Economy (WAGE) is offering an individual grant competition to support research projects on globalization and the international economy. Awards of up to $75,000 are anticipated for these one-time grants, which will range from $5,000-$15,000 and be available for use during fiscal year 2005-2006 (July 1, 2005-June 30, 2006). All UW–Madison faculty and qualified members of the academic staff are encouraged to apply. Proposals should be submitted no later than April 4. For more details, visit

Penn Scholarship seeks grad student applicants
A graduate scholarship fund has been established in memory of Raymond J. Penn, professor of agricultural economics and founder and first director of the Land Tenure Center.

The Penn Scholarship will provide financial support to dissertators at UW–Madison who need help to complete their degrees. Small grants will be given periodically, as funding permits, to a student or students whose program and dissertation relates to institutional and policy aspects of development, resource conservation, and environmental protection.

To qualify, students must be in good standing in a social science department. Awards will be based on scholarly merit and financial need. Interested students are invited to apply by April 15 by mailing a letter to the Penn Scholarship Committee chair at Land Tenure Center, 4216-4218 Humanities Bldg.; 455 N. Park St., Madison, WI 53715.

The letter should indicate whether the student is applying for a fall or spring semester award. Students should include an official transcript and a letter from their adviser that addresses their academic status, financial need and scholarly performance. Recipients will be notified by mail May 15.

Grant supports global studies on UW campus
Global Studies will run a Summer 2005 Scholar Access Grant program open to all faculty currently teaching at any two-year, four-year or technical college in Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa or Minnesota. Awardees are funded to come to UW–Madison for one week between May 15 and Aug. 10 to consult with international studies specialists and to use the university’s international and global studies library collections.

Three scholars will be selected to participate in the program. Applications to study themes closely related to those of the Global Studies program, such as globalization, global citizenship, environment, sustainability and human rights, will receive priority consideration. The grant covers transportation to Madison, lodging, per diem and miscellaneous research expenses up to $750. At the end of the grant period, scholars must submit a short project report to Global Studies outlining Madison activities and specific plans to integrate information gained from the grant into courses.

Applicants should send a current curriculum vita and letter of interest outlining their research plan and its relevance to their undergraduate teaching. E-mail applications to with Scholar Access Grant Application in the subject line, or mail submissions to 301 Ingraham Hall, 1155 Observatory Drive, Madison, WI 53706-1380, marked as Attn: Scholar Access Grants.

Applications must be received by April 4.

Grants available for humanities programs
The Wisconsin Humanities Council will continue its longstanding grant program to support programs that encourage the people of Wisconsin to explore human cultures, ideas and values. The grants are offered to humanities scholars and nonprofit organizations in Wisconsin. Minigrants of up to $2,000 are awarded six times a year, with a deadline of March 15. Major grants not exceeding $10,000 are available three times a year, with the next deadline of April 15.

WHC grants fund projects that facilitate discussion and exchange between humanities scholars and the public. Topics may include an aspect of the humanities, public interest matters to which scholars may bring a humanities perspective.

WHC grant guidelines and application forms are available at

Phone calls are strongly encouraged before submitting an application. For more information, contact Dena Wortzel at or Jessica Becker at or 262-0706.

Online short courses offered
These six-week courses begin every month. Choose from the following categories: Computer usage including digital photography and computer programming, languages, writing and publishing, entertainment, industry careers, grant writing and nonprofit management, business planning and entrepreneurial courses, sales and marketing, accounting, family and personal enrichment, art, history, psychology, literature, math, philosophy, science, law and legal careers, and courses for teaching professionals.

Six-week courses start at $79 and are listed online at For more information call 263-2850 or e-mail