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For the Record

January 11, 2005


Funding available for new teaching tools
The Division of Information Technology is offering awards of $750 plus consultation for any instructors who would like to use two teaching tools created by its Engage program.

QuizImage helps instructors quickly and easily create interactive images. ConceptTutor lets instructors write short learning activities that help their students better understand critical concepts. The tools will be available beginning Feb. 1. More information about these tools and the Engage program can be found at Faculty and instructional staff interested in using with these tools should contact Jan Cheetham at 262-5667 or

Teaching and Learning Symposium call for proposals
Organizers of the annual Teaching and Learning Symposium, May 23-24 at the Pyle Center, are looking for faculty and staff willing to share their teaching strategies and knowledge. The symposium explores the challenges of connecting with students and shares practical ideas that help faculty, staff and teaching assistants at UW–Madison. Among the presentation topics sought are what research explains about how students think and learn, how teachers can assess and adapt to students’ learning styles, techniques for getting students to reach deeper understanding, effective use of technology in and outside the classroom, how to deal with involved parents, how to promote engagement, the power of community involvement, available campus resources, and the challenges and opportunities of working with diverse students.

Teachers can give individual or panel 60-minute presentations. Complete a proposal form at

For more information, contact Mo Noonan Bischof at 265-4413 or

SPA/MACAA field days
The Student Personnel Association and the Madison Academic and Career Advising Association Field Days provide an opportunity for the university community to visit student service offices across campus in the form of a field trip. Student service units volunteer to

host an open house for a two-hour period on Feb. 22 or 23. Each department selects a point person to greet visitors and give them a tour of the office and brief overview of the operation. Several open houses will be scheduled at the same time, allowing participants to attend multiple units during the time period.

SPA and MACAA will advertise the field days, assist with registration, provide each unit with a projected number of attendees and provide SPA and MACAA literature for distribution.

SPA Professional Development Exchange Program
Learn more about a particular department or program on campus, meet departmental staff, experience a typical day of that particular unit, and exchange ideas and experiences that can benefit your current role during the ninth annual SPA Professional Development Exchange Program.

The program aims to increase understanding of various units on campus, prompt exchange of ideas and work systems, and introduce people and developing potential partnerships with future projects.

Each department is asked to develop a list of learning opportunities a participant could experience for a day or a day and a half during the spring and summer semesters, and assign a point person from the department to coordinate the program. All Student Personnel Association members are welcome to register.

Grants and Awards

Nominations sought for Classified Employee Recognition Awards
Classified Employee Recognition Awards honor classified employees who have done outstanding work for the university community. Nominated candidates are evaluated on promoting excellence within the work unit, performing well under pressure, developing innovative solutions to everyday problems and participating in public service activities outside normal work responsibilities.

Nominations are due Friday, Feb. 18. A committee of classified employees will review the nominations and make the final choices.

Recipients will receive a commemorative plaque, paid registration to an employee development program of their choice and a cash award. They will also be recognized in Wisconsin Week and be invited to a special spring ceremony at Olin House.

For more information, visit

Call for Academic Staff Excellence Awards
The Professional Development and Recognition Committee of the Academic Staff Assembly invites nominations for the 2005 Academic Staff Excellence Awards by Jan. 28. Nomination packets are reviewed by a committee including previous Academic Staff Excellence Award winners and members of the Academic Staff Professional Development and Recognition Committee. The teaching award recipient receives $5,000. All other recipients receive $2,500.

For guidance in selecting an appropriate category, please contact committee co-chairs Barry Robinson at or 262-6551, or Daña Alder at or 265-4901.

Nominees must be employed 50 percent time or greater and have been members of the academic staff for a minimum of five years. Eight prestigious awards in six categories recognize excellence by members of the UW–Madison academic staff. They are

The Chancellor’s Hilldale Award for Excellence in Teaching (one award)

Those nominated for this award shall provide and support instruction.

The Chancellor’s Awards for Excellence in Research (two awards)

One award will be given to an independent investigator and an individual who provides critical research support. Nominees should conduct or support the university’s research mission in roles such as scientists, researchers or information specialists.

The Robert Heideman Award for Excellence in Public Service (one award)

Nominees should have responsibility for the direct provision of services that reflect the public service mission of the university.

Wisconsin Alumni Association Awards for Excellence in Leadership (two awards)

The leadership awards will recognize academic staff from different areas of responsibility. One will be for an academic staff member who serves colleges, schools or the larger university community, and one will recognize an academic staff member who serves within an individual unit. Those nominated for this award shall have demonstrated exceptional organizational leadership.

The Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Service to the University (one award)

Nominees should have demonstrated outstanding, long-term personal commitment to the greater university community.

The Ann Wallace Career Achievement Award (one award)

Nominees should be members of the academic staff who are retiring in the academic or calendar year in which the award is given and who have been UW–Madison academic staff members for at least 15 years.

Individuals may be nominated for only one of the annual awards. The following criteria will be considered in the review of nominations:

  • Outstanding achievement and performance: consistently and substantially exceeding the expectations of the position; making important and significant contributions to the departmental unit; furthering the mission of the university; becoming a distinguished member of his/her profession campuswide, systemwide, nationally or internationally.
  • Personal interaction: consistently and substantially demonstrating ability and willingness to work positively and effectively with others, and demonstrating an ability and willingness to manage changes in work priorities, procedures and organization.
  • Initiative and creativity: consistently and substantially demonstrating an innovative approach to the job, thereby improving productivity and the quality of the work assigned, and demonstrating efforts to expand work responsibilities.

Nomination packet
The nomination packet shall contain supporting documents in the following order:

  1. Nomination title page.
  2. Letter of nomination. Any staff member, faculty member, student or member of the community may initiate the letter. To give the candidate the most favorable consideration, the letter of nomination should address the criteria for the specific award.
  3. Supporting letters. These letters of support (no more than four) shall come from people such as other staff members, faculty members, students and members of the community and shall address the candidate’s qualifications for the specific award, not simply excellence of performance. A broad spectrum of support often is most effective.
  4. A résumé or curriculum vita of applicable professional experiences and accomplishments.
  5. Additional supporting material, provided at the discretion of the nominator.
  6. For teaching awards, a succinct summary of teaching evaluations (no raw data).

Submit five complete copies of the nomination packet for all awards to: Colleen McCabe, Office of the Secretary of the Academic Staff , 270 Bascom Hall. For more information, contact McCabe at 263-2985 or, or visit

Call for Academic Staff Regents Award for Excellence
On behalf of the Board of Regents, the UW System Administration’s Office of the Senior Vice President for Administration invites each UW System institution to submit one nomination for the 2005 Academic Staff Regents Award for Excellence. The nominee should be a noninstructional academic staff member. He or she should provide essential services to the university while demonstrating excellence of performance, personal interaction, initiative and creativity, and outstanding achievement.

Two $5,000 awards will be given to noninstructional academic staff members in recognition of their exceptional service to the university. The funds will be designated to support the recipients’ development or other activities approved by the recipients that enhance a university program or function. The recipients will be honored at the Board of Regents meeting held Thursday-Friday, April 7-8.

Current UW System noninstructional academic staff members are eligible for the award if they have fixed-term, limited and/or rolling-horizon or indefinite appointments, are employed 50 percent time or greater, and have been members of the academic staff for a minimum of 12 months.

A complete set of nomination materials should be submitted by Jan. 28 to Colleen McCabe, 270 Bascom Hall, 500 Lincoln Drive, Madison, WI, 53706. For more information, contact her at 263-2985 or, or visit

Nomination materials should address the following criteria:

Excellence of performance: performance that consistently and substantially exceeds in quality, which is expected of the position; performance that has set superior standards of excellence and efficiency in relation to the mission of the departmental unit and the university, and has resulted in important and significant contributions to his or her department and institution.

Personal interaction: performance that consistently and substantially demonstrates ability and willingness to work positively and effectively with others; performance that demonstrates ability and willingness to manage changes in work priorities, procedures and organization.

Initiative and creativity: performance that consistently and substantially demonstrates an innovative approach to the job, thereby improving productivity and the quality of the work assigned; performance that demonstrates efforts to improve personal job performance.

Outstanding achievement: performance that consistently and substantially has resulted in important and significant contributions to the departmental unit and that has furthered the mission of the university; performance that has resulted in becoming a distinguished member of his or her profession campuswide, systemwide, statewide, nationally or internationally.

Nomination procedures shall be determined by each individual institution. Supporting materials should include:

A letter of nomination addressing the four criteria listed above.

A one- to two-page statement by the nominee on his or her philosophy of professional contributions and service to the university.

Up to four letters of support from colleagues qualified to comment on the nominee’s work. Where possible, the four nomination criteria should be addressed.

A brief resume, not to exceed five pages, which documents the nominee’s performance.

All nomination materials are confidential. However, after the selection has been made, the nomination forms and supporting documents will be returned to the institution to be placed in the individual’s personnel files.

Scholarships and fellowships

Global Studies announces graduate student fellowship competitions
Global Studies is again offering fellowship and grant programs for graduate students for the 2005-2006 academic year and/or the summer of 2005. Application materials may be downloaded at or picked up in 301 Ingraham Hall. Founded in 1991 as a center for the study of peace, security and international cooperation, Global Studies is the cross-regional, international partner of the seven area studies centers housed administratively in the International Institute.

Fellowships pay the cost of tuition and a living stipend for the study of Arabic, Persian and Turkish. Graduate students in the professional schools may also use their fellowships for the study of French or Spanish, provided their studies specialize on international or global issues. Students from outside the College of Letters and Science are especially encouraged to apply. Deadline for application is Feb. 7.

Herfurth-Kubly scholarship for seniors
Nominations are sought for the Theodore Herfurth and Teddy Kubly Awards for Initiative and Efficiency. Two $2,000 awards will be given, one each for the most deserving male and female senior. Candidates can be nominated by faculty, staff or student organizations. Students nominated must have senior standing and be within one year of graduation. For a nomination form, student application or more information, contact Laurie Mayberry at 262-5246 or Nominations and application forms must be turned in at 117 Bascom Hall by Feb. 18. Finalists must be available to meet with the committee and attend a luncheon on Saturday, April 16.

Scott Kloeck-Jenson grants
Global Studies seeks applicants for the Scott Kloeck-Jenson International Internship Grants and Predissertation Travel Grants. Offered in memory of UW–Madison doctoral candidate Scott Kloeck-Jenson, the internship grants provide approximately $2,500 to allow students to spend at least 10 weeks during the summer working on social justice issues outside of the United States. Predissertation travel grants provide $1,000 of support for students exploring prospective dissertation research topics. Graduate students in all departments are eligible for these awards. The deadline for applications is Feb. 18. For more information on eligibility, submission details and applications, visit, call Global Studies at 265-2631 or email

Udall scholarship for undergrads
Each year, the Morris K. Udall Foundation awards 80 undergraduate scholarships of up to $5,000 to outstanding undergraduates in fields related to preserving, protecting or restoring environmental resources; or to Native Americans and Alaska Natives in fields related to health care or tribal policy. Fifty students will receive honorable mention awards of $350. To be eligible, a student must be a sophomore or junior, be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, and have a 3.0 GPA. Program descriptions and application forms are available at

Completed application packets are due to the Provost’s Office, 117 Bascom Hall, by Wednesday, Feb. 2. For more information, e-mail

Call for artists
Artists producing wall-hung art are invited to apply for exhibitions in the Arboretum’s Steinhauer Trust Gallery. Artwork will be juried for appropriateness to the mission and goals of the Arboretum such as themes, explorations and materials that focus on plants, animals and landscapes native to Wisconsin; and that consider the relationship between humans and the land. Through Feb. 28, interested artists may send proposals, five slides and return-postage paid mailers to Pat Brown, UW–Madison Arboretum; 1207 Seminole Highway; Madison, WI, 53711.

Guidelines for holding classes and activities off campus
Off-campus classes and related educational activities fall within several categories, including field trips, practicums, internships, service learning, data collection and classes scheduled at other locations for pedagogical reasons. Classes should be held off campus only when there is clear educational benefit in doing so. For courses that normally are held entirely on campus, approval from the school or college dean or dean’s delegate is required before holding a class session or related educational activity off campus. A number of issues must be considered when holding such classes or activities off campus. These include:

  • Insurance for damage or injury
    The University’s instructors are protected from negligent acts committed while in the course and scope of their actions in conducting classes, regardless of location. These actions may include teaching, selecting the location or arranging transportation. However, insurance coverage related to the physical surroundings may differ for on- and off-campus classes. For classes on campus, if someone is injured as the result of the university’s negligence in maintaining the grounds or buildings, the university is responsible for any resulting liability claims. However, if a class is held off campus, the owner of that facility is responsible for any building and grounds issues, such as a broken hand railing of slippery floor. This includes the homeowner or landlord if a class is held at an instructor’s residence, or the owner of a restaurant or other meeting location. Instructors should consult their insurance agent for clarification if they use their own homes. Owners of other types of meeting facilities (e.g., churches or restaurants) may request information about the university’s insurance. The Risk Management Office can provide this upon request to the director.
  • Accessibility
    The location must be accessible to any disabled members of the class.
  • Transportation
    Transportation to the site must be available. Asking students to find their own ride or drive their own vehicle is not appropriate. Either public transportation should be available or the department should offer transportation arranged and funded by the department.
  • Food and beverages
    Alcohol is not appropriate, and UW catering policies apply to any food service paid for with university funds.
  • Workers’ compensation
    Instructors are covered by workers’ compensation in the course and scope of their teaching activities. Workers’ compensation normally covers work-related injuries regardless of location. However, for injuries that occur in one’s home while a class is being conducted, there may be gray areas as to whether the injury is work-related or not, depending on the specific circumstances.

Questions regarding specific issues should be directed to the Workers’ Compensation Office at Employee Compensation and Benefits Services. Questions regarding other aspects of this policy may be directed to the Risk Management Office.