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For the Record

September 7, 2004

Call for Academic Staff Governance
The Nominating Committee of the Academic Staff Assembly is asking all academic staff to consider applying their talents to governance committees. Fall is the time to indicate interest in being a member of one of the following standing committees.

  • Academic Staff Executive Committee

    Learn firsthand how the university works and who has influence in what ways. ASEC members are informed; they may influence big issues and can help set the agenda. They participate on various efforts, such as ad hoc committees, task forces, and search and screen committees.

  • Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee

    This committee reviews policies and procedures relating to academic staff compensation, fringe benefits and other economic benefits.

  • Districting and Representation Committee

    This committee designs the best way for academic staff to be represented in their governance structure. It reviews election and districting processes, and recommends changes to the Academic Staff Assembly.

  • Personnel Policies and Procedures Committee

    This committee reviews personnel policies and procedures. It has forged the fundamental documents that spell out the procedures of appointments, appeals and more.

  • Professional Development and Recognition Committee

    This committee explores, promotes, designs and works with campus administration to recognize academic staff achievements and to foster academic staff professional development.

  • Nominating Committee

    This committee puts together the initial slates for ASEC and all the standing committees (except itself; ASEC handles the Nominating Committee’s slate). It also recommends names to ASEC for a host of committees across campus. Academic staff who have wide acquaintance with those outside their own units are good candidates for this committee. Contact the Secretary of the Academic Staff Colleen McCabe at

If interested in serving in any of the standing committees, contact Mary Ray at Indicate which committee interests you and what value you would add.

For information on Academic Staff governance committees, see

Professional Development Grants
All UW–Madison academic staff with at least a 50 percent appointment can compete for 2004-2005 Academic Staff Professional Development (ASPD) Grants Part II for conferences, training or other professional development projects that occur between Jan. 1, 2005, and June 30, 2005. Proposals should focus on training and/or re-training to improve the academic staff members’ effectiveness in their current roles. A lower priority will be given to proposals designed to enhance the staff member’s ability to compete for other positions.

Authorized and funded in part by UW-System, the program’s main objectives are individual professional development, improved program quality, improved institutional effectiveness and/or design for diversity. The funds can be used to send an individual to training or to bring a trainer to campus for a group of academic staff.

This program is sponsored and administered by UW–Madison, and half of the funding for individual projects comes from the staff member’s department. The Professional Development and Recognition Committee of the Academic Staff Assembly administer the review process by a committee of academic staff.

Applications must be submitted to department chairs or directors by Oct. 15. Academic staff with split appointments who propose projects that are related to all units for which they work have to secure the endorsement of each employing unit. Applications that have been approved by department chairs/directors will be forwarded to the dean’s/director’s office and then to the Office of Human Resources.

Application instructions are at:

Contact Pam Bauman, Office of Human Resources, or 263-2511, for more information.

Applications due to:

Department Chair/Director: Oct. 15

Dean/Director: Oct. 22

Office of Human Resources (166 Bascom Hall): Oct. 29

Wisconsin Idea Endowment Call for Proposals
The Office of the Provost is soliciting proposals from faculty, staff and students for the third annual Ira and Ineva Reilly Baldwin Wisconsin Idea Endowment. This endowment advances the Wisconsin Idea through the development of new and innovative initiatives. It adds new dimensions to existing outreach activities by creating and strengthening partnerships and collaborations, sharing and applying knowledge, and expanding access to lifelong learning. Such efforts will help to create partnerships and extend the knowledge, resources, research expertise and services of UW–Madison students, faculty and staff to community and governmental organizations, business and industry, the general public and K-12 schools.

Approximately $500,000 will be granted for projects that begin on or after Jan. 17. Proposals for initiatives up to $100,000 in total funding are encouraged, and projects may last for up to three years. The endowment will support people and projects rather than facilities. Proposals should advance the campus strategic plan, particularly the “Amplify the Wisconsin Idea” priority, and contribute to the outreach mission of the school(s), college(s) and/or unit(s) involved. The fund is not intended to support or to duplicate existing projects, or replace activities that are part of a unit’s normal operation. Priority will be given to Wisconsin Idea initiatives in the following areas: extending students’ expertise off campus, fostering biological and physical sciences outreach, engaging the arts and humanities, and addressing a societal opportunity or problem.

The call for proposals involves two steps: UW–Madison faculty, staff or students must submit a preproposal and individuals whose preproposals are accepted will be invited to submit a full proposal. Preproposals and full proposals must be signed by the department chair or unit director, and a dean’s or director’s representative before being submitted to the Office of the Provost.

Oct. 12: Preproposals due to dean’s office; one copy of cover sheet due to provost’s office

Oct. 29: Preproposal finalists announced

Dec. 1: Full proposals due to dean’s office

Dec. 8: Signed proposals due to provost’s office

Jan. 17: Awards announced

Preproposals should be no more than two double-spaced pages. For guidelines, cover page, budget submission form, directions and a list of funded programs:

Proposals from individual students or student organizations must have a sponsoring university department/unit. Students interested in applying who do not have a sponsoring department/unit should contact Mary Rouse, director of the Morgridge Center for Public Service Learning, 262-0787 or 263-2432, Direct additional questions to Peyton Smith, assistant vice chancellor for extended programs, 262-8214,

Madeleine Doran Dissertation Fellowship in English
The Department of English and the Institute for Research in the Humanities have established the Madeleine Doran Dissertation Fellowship in English. The fellowship will provide a semester of support for an advanced doctoral student from the Department of English to complete a dissertation. The fellow will participate in the institute’s seminars and give a seminar on his or her dissertation.

Madeleine Doran was a distinguished faculty member of the university from 1935 to 1975. She joined the faculty as English instructor and ended her career as Ruth C. Wallerstein Professor of English Literature. She was also a fellow of the Institute for Research in the Humanities.

At her death in 1996, Doran left a bequest to UW–Madison that was divided among the Department of English, the Institute for Research in the Humanities and the Elvehjem Museum of Art. The dissertation fellowship will be funded by income from the endowments administered by the Department of English and the Institute for Research in the Humanities.

Former students, colleagues and friends of professor Doran who wish to contribute to the fellowship may send checks either to the Department of English or the Institute for Research in the Humanities made out to “Madeleine Doran Fund-UW Foundation.”

The competition will be announced early in the fall semester with a Nov. 1 deadline. Applicants must submit a cover letter, resume, dissertation proposal and sample chapter. The appointed dissertator will choose a semester to hold the fellowship during the following academic year. The Fellow will be eligible for an office at the institute contingent upon availability.