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For the Record

April 29, 2002


Pesticide Policy
Pesticide applicators are to notify Central Answering and Response Service at 263-3333 prior to using a pesticide. In addition, applicators are to notify faculty, staff, students and visitors of their pesticide use by a reasonable and effective means, such as posting signs where pesticides have been applied, or distributing posters, flyers or electronic mail to people who may frequent the application area. Notices may be published on the Safety Department’s Web site at The policy is also posted there.

The Pesticide Use Policy encourages best management practices that maximize effectiveness and safety, and minimize environmental impact. Pesticides used in research and teaching are expected to abide by this policy’s objectives, although alternative procedures may be allowed for the purposes of academic study. Check or call Sally Rowe of the Safety Department at 262-0979 for pesticide label information, information about hazards and exposures to using pesticides, or information regarding pollutants in storm water.


Center for the Humanities Call for Proposals
The Center for the Humanities of the College of Letters and Science announces a new program to support undergraduate and graduate student interdisciplinary initiatives and collaboration in the humanities. While the aim is to stimulate interdisciplinary student activity in the humanities, faculty and staff may want to help initiate a proposal by organizing an undergraduate or graduate student group.

The Undergraduate Symposium Award will be given to a group of at least four undergraduates, the Graduate Symposium Award to a group of at least four graduate students.

Each group will organize a symposium that, while related to the particular interests of the members of the group and their disciplinary majors or research interests, should demonstrate broad humanistic appeal and interdisciplinary scope. The undergraduate group must include at least four undergraduates, no more than two of whom can be majors in the same department, as well as at least one faculty or academic staff adviser. For example, a history major, an art history major and two classics majors would be supported to organize a symposium on representations of women in antiquity. The graduate group cannot have more than two members from the same department; a faculty adviser is recommended, but not required.

Each $3,000 award is to be used for bringing in outside speakers and other expenses related to producing a symposium or conference.

An application for an award should include a proposal of no more than five pages (and include the names of potential invitees and a tentative budget), plus information about the students (including undergraduate students’ transcripts and graduate students’ vitae) and faculty or staff involved. Five copies of the application are due at the Center for the Humanities, 218 Memorial Library, by Saturday, Nov. 2. Information:, 263-3409.

2002-2003 Mellon Workshops in the Humanities Announced
The Center for the Humanities announces that the following Mellon Workshops in the Humanities have been awarded funding for 2002-03:

  • The Byzantine Commonwealth: East Roman Culture and Its Legacy in the Modern World (Paul Stephenson,

The workshops are provided with $5,000 to support their activities and are open to everyone in the university community, including faculty, staff and students. This program is made possible with a generous grant from the Mellon Foundation. Information:, 263-3409.

Jewish Studies Course Grant
Faculty are invited to submit proposals to develop a new course to be cross-listed between their home department and Jewish Studies. The course would contribute to the core curriculum of Jewish Studies and be offered for the first time in fall 2003 and thereafter on a regular basis. A one-page proposal should be submitted that discusses the course’s theme, its intended student audience, the disciplinary needs of Jewish Studies it will serve and its appropriateness to the new Jewish studies major. A draft syllabus would be helpful. Proposals should be submitted to: Course Incentive Grant, Center for Jewish Studies, 308 Ingraham Hall.

Woodrow Wilson Foundation Announces Innovation Awards
The Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation invites graduate departments and graduate career centers to apply for its Innovation Awards, which support faculty and department outreach in humanities doctoral work. The Woodrow Wilson Innovation Awards recognize and celebrate nontraditional collaborations among university departments in the humanities, graduate career centers and community partners. Projects selected for Innovation Awards assist Ph.D. students in gaining valuable experience outside the academy. The Woodrow Wilson Foundation will select up to seven projects for Innovation Awards of $5,000 to $10,000.

Request for proposals are is available at The deadline for applications is Friday, May 31. Information: (609) 452-7007 ext. 159,


Call for Programs
Orientation Programs invites program announcements for the fall 2002 Wisconsin Welcome brochure and Web site. Any student organization or campus unit may submit information about a meeting, program or event related to orientation to be printed in the Wisconsin Welcome brochure and posted on the Web site. Fall Wisconsin Welcome activities are scheduled and coordinated through the Orientation Programs office. Wisconsin Welcome orients new students to the UW–Madison community from Friday, Aug. 30, through Saturday, Oct. 12. Information:

Dean Howard Martin Review
To maintain excellence in administrative practices, the university has implemented a standard five-year review procedure for deans and senior-level campus administrators. In compliance with this policy, Chancellor John Wiley and Provost Peter Spear recently convened a review committee for Dean Howard Martin, Division of Continuing Studies, to assess Martin’s performance in external relations, resource management, and academic and administrative leadership.

Written comments on Martin’s leadership and administration may be addressed to the staff of the review committee, Policy and Planning Analyst Noel Radomski, 94 Bascom Hall,; or to members of the review committee: Associate Dean Michael Subkoviak (chair), and professors Harv Thompson and Chere Gibson.

The review process will include interviews of Division of Continuing Studies constituencies. The review committee welcomes student, staff and faculty requests for interviews. These may be addressed to the staff or members of the review committee. It is strongly recommended that requests for interviews and written comments should be submitted no later than Saturday, June 1. The committee will treat all communications as confidential, and the university will protect such confidentiality within the framework of Wisconsin law.

Dean Charles Read Review
To maintain excellence in administrative practices, the university has implemented a standard five-year review procedure for deans and senior-level campus administrators. In compliance with this policy, Chancellor John Wiley and Provost Peter Spear convened a review committee for Dean Charles Read, School of Education, to assess Read’s performance in external relations, resource management, and academic and administrative leadership.

Written comments on Read’s leadership and administration may be addressed to the staff of the review committee, Policy and Planning Analyst Noel Radomski, 94 Bascom Hall,; or to members of the review committee: professors Andrew Policano (chair), Jim Escalante and John Witte. The review will include interviews of School of Education constituencies.

The review committee welcomes student, staff and faculty requests for interviews. These may be addressed to the staff or members of the review committee. It is strongly recommended that requests for interviews and written comments should be submitted no later than Saturday, June 1. The committee will treat all communications as confidential, and the university will protect such confidentiality within the framework of Wisconsin law.

Dean Daryl Buss Review
To maintain excellence in administrative practices, the university has implemented a standard five-year review procedure for deans and senior-level campus administrators. In compliance with this policy, Chancellor John Wiley and Provost Peter Spear recently convened a review committee for Dean Daryl Buss, School of Veterinary Medicine, to assess Buss’ performance in external relations, resource management, and academic and administrative leadership.

Written comments on Buss’ leadership and administration. may be addressed to the staff of the review committee, Noel Radomski, policy and planning analyst, 94 Bascom Hall,, or to members of the review committee: Dean Emeritus B.C. Easterday (chair), Professor Mary Behan, Associate Professor Douglas DeBoer, Associate Professor Kris Kruse-Elliott and Professor Albee Messing. The review process will include interviews of School of Veterinary Medicine constituencies.

The review committee welcomes student, staff and faculty requests for interviews. Requests for interviews may be addressed to the staff of the review committee, or to committee members. It is strongly recommended that requests for interviews and written comments be submitted no later than Saturday, June 1. The committee will treat all communications as confidential, and the university will protect such confidentiality within the framework of Wisconsin law.

Recreational Sports Access Fee and Sports Center Membership
Recreational Sports announces that a first-semester access fee will be available for entry to the SouthEast Recreation Facility (SERF); Natatorium/Gym Unit 2; Camp Randall Sports Center (Shell) and Nielsen Tennis Stadium for 2002-03. The first-semester fee will be effective Aug. 26-Dec. 31. A companion first-semester membership fee for the Camp Randall Sports Center will be available. Annual, academic-year, second-semester and summer-access, and Camp Randall Sports Center membership fee options will continue to be offered. Sales begin Monday, July 22. Information:

Rates listed below are subject to approval by the Board of Regents. Annual access fee: $90; sports center membership, add $126. Academic year, 2002-03, access fee: $70; sports center membership, add $100. First or second semester, $35; sports center membership, add $50. Summer Session, 2003, $20; sports center membership, add $26.

Free Exercise Consultation
Lisa Sanborn, kinesiology, is seeking breast cancer survivors for a study looking at physical fitness and physical activity. The study involves three visits to the UW Sports Medicine Fitness Center for a free fitness evaluation that includes a diagnostic ECG exercise test. Participants should be 50-69 years of age, post-menopausal, diagnosed with stage I-III breast cancer, be at least three months post treatment but no more than two years post treatment, be free from heart disease and free from any orthopedic problems. Information, 263-0854.

Elvehjem Elevator Repairs
Elvehjem Museum of Art elevator repairs continue through mid-May. The museum regrets any inconvenience. Information: 263-2246.

Applications of Chemicals on Campus and Natural Areas
The departments of Environmental Services and Campus Natural Areas are sensitive to community concerns regarding use of herbicides and fertilizers as part of an integrated plant management program. Itemization of chemicals that may be used may be found on the Safety Department Web site,

Executive Education Courses
The Executive Education program in the School of Business will offer five single course enrollments as a contribution to academic staff professional development. Send five copies of application materials to the secretary of the Academic Staff, 270 Bascom, by Saturday, May 11.