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For the record

May 1, 2001

For the Record

Policies and procedures

Pesticide Application
The Pesticide Use Policy encourages best management practices that maximize effectiveness and safety, and minimize environmental impact. Pesticides used in research and teaching are expected to abide by this policy’s objectives, although alternative procedures may be allowed for the purposes of academic study.

Check or call Sally Rowe of the Safety Department, 262-0979, for pesticide label information, information about hazards and exposures to using pesticides, or information regarding pollutants in storm water.

Grants and fellowships

School Renaissance Institute Grant
School Renaissance Institute is requesting proposals for research into the impact of the Renaissance Schoolwide Improvement Process on school effectiveness. The Renaissance Schoolwide Improvement Process is a comprehensive school reform model that combines software, professional development and consulting services. The process is built on the premise that increasing the quality and timeliness of academic information in the classroom results in accelerated learning. For more information on the research grant, visit and click on Scientific Research.

Fulbright Grants
The deadline for the 2002-03 Fulbright Grants for Travel and Study Abroad competition will be in late September. Applications will be available in May. Information: Elizabeth Hurd, fellowships adviser, 262-9632, fellow@intl-institute.wisc. edu.

Competition for Executive Education Courses
The UW–Madison Executive Education program in the School of Business will offer five gratis course enrollments to be selected from any of their 300 programs as a contribution to the Academic Staff Endowment Fund. The successful candidate will be expected to pay Fluno Center $50 per day. Any member of the academic staff is eligible to apply. Please call (800) 292-8964 to obtain a course catalog. Selection criteria will be based on improved effectiveness in staff member’s present position. The main objectives are individual professional development, improved program quality and improved institutional effectiveness. Applications must include a letter of purpose – identifying the course and how it will enhance professional development, and one or two letters of support from your supervisor or a colleague.

Send five copies of materials to the Office of the Secretary of the Academic Staff, 270 Bascom Hall, by Friday, May 11.

Meikeljohn-Powell Fellowship
The Integrated Liberal Studies Program has received a substantial grant to be directed toward establishing the Meiklejohn-Powell Fellowship. Each year over the next 10 years, a $5,000 fellowship will be awarded to a faculty member to develop and teach a new class, workshop or lecture series that reflects the work or concerns of Alexander Meiklejohn.

From 1927-1932, Alexander Meiklejohn directed the Experimental College at UW–Madison, where he tested, reworked and improved his ideas for the ideal liberal education. The Integrated Liberal Studies Program announces a call for proposals for the 2001-02 academic year. Examples of appropriate topics: residential learning communities, freedom of speech, critical thinking for an educated citizenry, the philosophy of liberal education or other issues relevant to Meiklejohn’s concerns.

Application deadline: Tuesday, May 15. Contact: Booth Fowler, 262-9067;

Tobacco Research Grants Available
The UW Center for Tobacco Research and Intervention is calling for applications for its Statewide Tobacco Dependence Research Mini-grants Program. The grants are designed to encourage innovative methods for preventing the initiation of tobacco use and for assisting people to quit using tobacco. Up to $25,000 will be awarded for each grant. Grants must have a scientific evaluation component.

CTRI will award approximately $200,000 each year, targeting all regions of Wisconsin. Each region will receive at least one grant. The funding, provided by the Wisconsin Tobacco Control Board, is part of the 1999-2000 Wisconsin biennial budget.

Applications must be received no later than Saturday, May 12, and are available from Sandy Keller, 265-4869,

Position Vacancies


038107: Assoc Outreach Spec
Ag&Lsc/Dept of Biological Systems Engineering (100). Apply by May 30.

039126: Assoc Outreach Spec/Outreach Specialist
Grad/Administration (100). Apply by May 18.

039228: Admin Program Spec/Sr Admin Prgm Spec
Med Sc/Medicine (100). Apply by May 23.

039624: Outreach Prog Mgr II
Med Sc/Center For Population Health (100). Apply by May 18.

Clinical / Health Sciences

036206: Clinical Asst Prof
Med Sc/Medicine (100). Apply by June 30.

039255: Clinical Asst Prof/Clinical Assoc Prof
Med Sc/Medicine (100). Apply by May 15.

039589: Clinical Asst Prof
Nur/Academic Affairs (100). Apply by May 8.

Computer / Information Processing

039590: Assoc Inf Proc Conslt
Libr/Gls Library Technology Group (100). Apply by May 18.

039601: Assoc Programmer Anal/Programmer Analyst
Ag&Lsc/Biochemistry (50% ). Apply by May 8.


036206: Clinical Asst Prof
Med Sc/Medicine (100). Apply by June 30.

038107: Assoc Outreach Spec
Ag&Lsc/Dept of Biological Systems Engineering (100). Apply by May 30.

039126: Assoc Outreach Spec/Outreach Specialist
Grad/Administration (100). Apply by May 18.

039255: Clinical Asst Prof/Clinical Assoc Prof
Med Sc/Medicine (100). Apply by May 15.

039369: Asst Faculty Assoc
L&S/Theatre & Drama (100). Apply by May 15.

039511: Assoc Faculty Assoc
Med Sc/Academic Affairs (100). Apply by May 11.

039536: Faculty Assistant
L&S/Psychology (50). Apply by May 18.

039543: Instructional Spec
L&S/Chemistry (100). Apply by May 25.

039589: Clinical Asst Prof
Nur/Academic Affairs (100). Apply by May 8.

039595: Assoc Instructnl Spec/Instructional Spec/Sr Instructional Spec
Vet M/Surgical Sciences (100). Apply by May 8.

039605: Lecturer
L&S/Social Work (33% ). Apply by June 1.

039606: Lecturer
L&S/Social Work (33% ). Apply by June 1.

039610: Lecturer
L&S/Women’s Studies Program (40). Apply by May 11.

039611: Lecturer
L&S/Women’s Studies Program (40). Apply by May 11.

039624: Outreach Prog Mgr II
Med Sc/Center For Population Health (100). Apply by May 18.


037463: Asst Res Animal Vet/Assoc Res Animal Vet
Med Sc/Medical School Research Support Progs (100). Apply by June 30.

038107: Assoc Outreach Spec
Ag&Lsc/Dept of Biological Systems Engineering (100). Apply by May 30.

039046: Assistant Scientist
Vet M/Medical Sciences (100). Apply by May 15.

039047: Assistant Scientist
Vet M/Medical Sciences (100). Apply by May 15.

039116: Assoc Research Spec
Grad/Biotechnology Center (100). Apply by May 31.

039126: Assoc Outreach Spec/Outreach Specialist
Grad/Administration (100). Apply by May 18.

039253: Assistant Scientist
L&S/Astronomy (100). Apply by May 15.

039460: Assoc Research Spec
L&S/Psychology (100). Apply by May 25.

039487: Assoc Research Spec/Research Specialist/Sr Research Spec
Med Sc/Surgery (100). Apply by May 15.

039489: Laboratory Mgr I
Grad/Synchrotron Radiation Ctr (100). Apply by June 15.

039510: Assoc Research Spec/Research Specialist
Grad/Waisman Ctr Mental Retard & Human Dev (80% ). Apply by May 26.

039547: Assoc Research Spec/Research Specialist
Med Sc/Anatomy (100). Apply by May 15.

039576: Assoc Research Spec
Engr/Lead Services (25% ). Apply by May 15.

039588: Assoc Research Spec/Research Specialist
Med Sc/Medical Microbiology (100). Apply by May 18.

039602: Research Specialist
Ag&Lsc/Agronomy (100). Apply by May 8.

039607: Asst Researcher
Educ/Wis Center For Education Research (50% ). Apply by May 8.

039624: Outreach Prog Mgr II
Med Sc/Center For Population Health (100). Apply by May 18.

039625: Assoc Research Spec
Med Sc/Oncology (100). Apply by May 11.

039627: Assoc Research Spec/Research Specialist
Med Sc/Oncology (100). Apply by May 9.

039628: Assoc Research Spec/Research Specialist
Vet M/Medical Sciences (100). Apply by May 9.

Sports / Recreation

039182: Asst Coach
Ath/Soccer (Women) (100). Apply by May 31.

039612: Asst Coach
Ath/Swimming/Diving (Men) (100). Apply by May 31.

Student Services

039571: Assoc Advisor/Advisor
L&S/Cross College Advising Service (100). Apply by May 21.

Due to publication schedules and limited space, not all Academic Staff or Limited vacancies are listed in Wisconsin Week. Complete descriptions of all vacancies (including faculty) are available electronically through the Web at employ.html [click on “Position Vacancy Listings (Faculty, Academic Staff, and Limited Positions”)] or at the Academic Personnel Office, 174 Bascom Hall (263-2511).

UW–Madison is an Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action employer.

To submit a notice for For the Record
University departments are welcome to list official notices to the campus community in For the Record. We must receive your announcement at least 10 days before publication.

Campus mail: 19 Bascom Hall