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For the Record

October 10, 2000

For the Record

Policies and Procedures

International Opportunities Awareness Month
Many students on campus, both U.S. and international, are interested in working in an international capacity upon graduation, but may not be aware of what they need to do or the resources that are available that can help them achieve this goal.

February 2001 will feature the first annual International Opportunities Awareness Month, providing students campuswide with a series of events that are specifically geared toward identifying international experiences and careers with a global focus. Activities will provide students with opportunities to hear from peers who are international by upbringing or by experience – through participation in study, work volunteer and/or teaching abroad – as well as from community members and UW–Madison alumni who are working in an international capacity. In addition, students will have opportunities to meet with representatives from various UW departments and other organizations, that help facilitate study, long-term employment, short-term work and travel abroad experiences.

Departments across campus are invited to participate and/or plan an internationally focused event during February. For information, to coordinate dates and to ensure your event is included on the calendar/ publicity for the month, please contact Susan Huber Miller, 263-7682;

Grants and fellowships

Meikeljohn-Powell Fellowship
The Integrated Liberal Studies Program has recently received a substantial grant to be directed toward establishing the Meiklejohn-Powell Fellowship.

Each year over the next 10 years, a $5,000 fellowship will be awarded to a faculty member to develop and teach a new class, workshop or lecture series that in some way reflects the work or concerns of Alexander Meiklejohn.

From 1927-1932, Alexander Meiklejohn directed the Experimental College at UW–Madison, where he tested, reworked and improved his ideas for the ideal liberal education. The ILS Program announces a call for proposals for the spring 2001 semester and, looking ahead, for the 2001-02 academic year. Examples of appropriate topics: residential learning communities, freedom of speech, critical thinking for an educated citizenry, the philosophy of liberal education, or other issues relevant to Meiklejohn’s concerns.

Application deadline: Nov. 15 for the spring 2001 and May 15 for the 2001-02 academic year. Contact: Booth Fowler, 262-9067;

Industrial and Economic Development Research Program
University-Industry Relations promotes and advances UW–Madison research that benefits Wisconsin’s economy by competitively awarding grants through the Industrial and Economic Development Research program. We invite individual or groups of UW–Madison researchers to submit proposals for fiscal year 2001-02 that focus on research that is technically innovative, of interest to a broad economic sector and has a high potential to benefit Wisconsin’s industrial and economic development in the near term. UIR’s grants often allow faculty to generate additional public and private-sector support for their research programs, engage in inventive research and promote technology transfer between the university and industry. The majority of UIR grants are awarded as seed money to support early stages of applied research.

Deadline for letter of intent: Monday, Oct. 16

Deadline for proposal: Tuesday, Jan. 16

For information or to download the proposal packet in PDF format, visit: . Information: Jane Sherwood, 263-7274;

Teaching and Learning Grants
The Teaching Academy is committed to the improvement of teaching and learning on campus and in the larger academic community. The academy provides funds to support projects to advance teaching and learning. A total of $5,000 is available to be divided between one to five awards. Deadline: Friday, Oct. 27. All faculty and academic staff are eligible to apply. Proposal application is available at: Or:

International Predissertation Fellowship Program
This competition provides support for predissertation training and research abroad for students from social science fields – including economics, sociology, political science, psychology, history, anthropology, geography and demography – for 12-month training fellowships to prepare for eventual dissertation research in Africa, Central Asia and the Caucasus, China, Latin America, the Caribbean, the Near and Middle East, South Asian or Southeast Asia. There are no citizenship requirements, but foreign nationals are discouraged from proposing to study their own culture. Campus deadline: 4 p.m. Dec. 1. Applications are available in the International Fellowships Office, 328 Ingraham. For information and applications: 262-9632, Informational meeting: Tuesday, Oct. 24, 1 p.m., 336 Ingraham.

National Security Education
Liz Veatch and Sharon Nishizaki of the National Security Education Program for Graduate International Fellowships will be holding an informational meeting for potential applicants Wednesday, Nov. 1, noon in 326 Ingraham. NSEP selects 100-125 graduate students to study languages and cultures of world areas other than Western Europe, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Eligibility is limited to U.S. citizens, and a service requirement with the U.S. government is required of all fellowship recipients. For more information, contact Elizabeth Hurd, international fellowships advisor, 328 Ingraham, 262-9632,

Luce Scholars Program
Friday, Nov. 3, at 4 p.m. is the deadline for applications to the Luce Scholars Program. This scholarship provides a year-long internship in an Asian country related to the scholar’s interests. Applicants must be U.S. citizens, under the age of 30 at the beginning the program and hold at least a B.A. Students should have little or no experience in country of internship. Graduating seniors, recent alumni and graduate students are encouraged to apply. Students should have an academic record of distinction and defined career interests. This year up to three may be nominated. Pick up applications in 328 Ingraham.

Position Vacancies


037838: Outreach Specialist L&S/Geology And Geophysics (100). Apply by November 1.

038187: Dir, Unspecified (8)
Grad/Administration (100). Apply by November 3.

038188: Dir Unspecified (8)
Grad/Administration (100). Apply by November 3.

038189: Asst Dir Unspec (11)
Grad/University-Industry Relations (100). Apply by October 20.

038323: Assistant Dean (S)
Nur/Administration (100). Apply by October 19.

038333: Assoc Admin Prgm Spec/ Admin Program Spec
Educ/Ctr For Advancement of Postsecondary Ed (100). Apply by October 20.

038366: Outreach Specialist
UHS/Wisconsin Clearinghouse (100). Apply by October 17.

038378: Admin Program Spec
Ath/Concessions/Catering (100). Apply by October 17.

Clinical / Health Sciences

035300: Clinical Asst Prof
Med Sc/Medicine (100). Apply by October 31.

038329: Psychologist/Counselor/Sr Counselor
UHS/Student Programs (100). Apply by October 24.


038330: Assoc Univ Rel Spec/Univ Relations Spec
Educ/General Administration (100). Apply by October 20.

Computer / Information Processing
038263: Programmer Analyst/ Sr Programmer Analyst
Med Sc/Anatomy (100). Apply by October 25.

038350: Inform Process Conslt/ Sr Inform Proc Conslt
Bus/School of Business (100). Apply by October 25.


035288: Asst Faculty Assoc/ Assoc Faculty Assoc/Faculty Associate
L&S/Psychology (100). Apply by November 1.

037173: Asst Faculty Assoc/Assoc Faculty Assoc/Faculty Associate
Engr/Electrical & Computer Engineering (50% ). Apply by November 1.

038326: Asst Faculty Assoc/Assoc Faculty Assoc
L&S/Chemistry (100). Apply by October 30.

038341: Lecturer
L&S/Astronomy (40). Apply by October 31.

038355: Lecturer
L&S/Sociology (40% ). Apply by October 30.

Library Services

037046: Assoc Acad Librarian/Academic Librarian
Libr/Member Libraries (100). Apply by October 30.


035150: Asst Researcher/Assoc Researcher
Med Sc/Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences (100). Apply by October 20.

035954: Asst Researcher/Assoc Researcher
Med Sc/Preventive Medicine (50% ). Apply by October 22.

037567: Asst Researcher/Assoc Researcher
Engr/Trace Center (50% ). Apply by October 31.

037568: Instrumentation Tech/Sr Instrument Tech
Engr/Trace Center (50% ). Apply by October 31.

037867: Assistant Scientist
L&S/Astronomy – Space Astronomy Laboratory (100). Apply by October 31.

037868: Asst Instrmt InnRes
L&S/Astronomy – Space Astronomy Laboratory (100). Apply by October 31.

038242: Asst Researcher/Assoc Researcher
Educ/Wis Center For Education Research (50% ). Apply by November 1.

038284: Research Specialist
Ag&Lsc/Nat Resources – Wildlife Ecology (100). Apply by October 17.

038304: Asst Instrmt InnRes/Assoc Instrmt InnRes
Grad/Physical Sciences Laboratory (100). Apply by October 31.

038312: Associate Scientist
L&S/Physics (100). Apply by October 25.

038339: Assoc Researcher
L&S/Computer Sciences (100). Apply by October 25.

038363: Assoc Research Spec/Research Specialist
Med Sc/Oncology (100). Apply by October 17.

038368: Research Prog Mgr III
L&S/Psychology (100). Apply by October 17.

038369: Assoc Instrument Spec/ Instrumentation Spec
L&S/Botany (100). Apply by October 17.

Student Services

037885: Student Services Cord
L&S/Administration:Student Academic Affairs (50). Apply by October 20.

038283: Student Services Spec/ Sr Student Serv Spec
U Hsg/University Apartment offices (100). Apply by October 20.

038329: Psychologist/Counselor/Sr Counselor
UHS/Student Programs (100). Apply by October 24.

Due to publication schedules and limited space, not all Academic Staff or Limited vacancies are listed in Wisconsin Week. Complete descriptions of all vacancies (including faculty) are available on the Web at [click on “Position Vacancy Listings (Faculty, Academic Staff and Limited Positions”)] or at the Academic Personnel Office, 174 Bascom Hall (263-2511).