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For the Record

February 1, 2000

For the Record

Policies and procedures

When Classwork and Religious Observances Conflict
Mandatory academic requirements should not be scheduled on days when a religious observance may cause substantial numbers of students to be absent from university functions. For the spring semester the policy specifically identifies Passover eve day and the first day of Passover (Wednesday, April 19, and Thursday, April 20), and Good Friday (Friday, April 21) as such days. Jewish holidays and observances begin at sunset on the evening preceding the given date and some holidays are celebrated over more than one day. Please mark these days on your calendar now and do not schedule mandatory exercises on these dates.

Due to our university’s multi-cultural community, there are bound to be conflicts between mandatory academic requirements and religious observances other than those listed. Major religious observances celebrated by Muslim and Buddhist students, for example, also occur during the academic year. A listing, though not exhaustive, of religious holidays is published by the National Conference for Community and Justice and is available at; you may also obtain a copy from the Office of the Secretary of the Faculty, 130 Bascom Hall.

A student’s claim of a religious conflict should be accepted at face value. A great variety of valid claims exist for religious groups and there is no practical, dignified and legal means to assess the validity of individual claims. Indeed, state law mandates that any student with a conflict between an academic requirement and any religious observance must be given an alternative means of meeting the academic requirement. The law also stipulates that students be given means by which they can conveniently and confidentially notify an instructor of the conflict.

Please adhere to the following three guidelines, which have been developed to provide clarity for both students and instructors:

(1) Announce early in the semester that students must notify the instructor within the first two weeks of class of the specific days or dates on which they will request relief.

(2) Make-ups need not be scheduled before the regularly scheduled requirements.

(3) It is understood that instructors may set reasonable limits on the total number of days claimed by any one student.

Occasionally, students may not fully understand the necessity for prior notice and under these circumstances we would urge you to be as flexible as possible. University policy seeks to be sensitive to the individual needs of students.

Please advise teaching assistants of this policy.

Finally, in a different but somewhat parallel scenario, we urge fairness, compassion and sensitivity when you or your TAs are approached by a student with a request for class time off due to a family emergency. Demonstration of your understanding in such a circumstance may be important to the student in getting through the crisis.

Questions: Secretary of the Faculty, 133 Bascom Hall. Phone: 262-3956. FAX: 265-5728.

Calendar For Second Semester
Last day to drop courses or withdraw without courses and grades on transcripts: Feb. 2

Last day to add courses (Undergraduates & Specials): Feb. 4

Spring Recess: March 11-19

Last day to drop courses (Undergraduates, Specials and Professionals): March 31

Passover (first day) (Scheduled class day): April 20

Good Friday (Scheduled class day): April 21

Last day to withdraw without academic penalty (Undergraduates and Specials): April 21

Last day to drop courses (Graduate Students): April 21

Last class day: May 11

Study day: May 12

Summary period: May 13-19

Commencement, Doctoral/professional: May 19 Bachelor’s and Master’s: May 20-21

Call for Review Input
To maintain excellence in administrative practices, the university has implemented a review procedure for deans and campus administrators. In compliance with this policy, Chancellor David Ward recently convened a review committee for Dean Phillip R. Certain, dean of the College of Letters and Science.

The review committee invites any comments, which would be helpful in the review. The committee welcomes your written comments on the academic and administrative leadership of the dean of L&S. Written comments may be addressed to the staff of the review committee, Noel Radomski, Policy & Planning Analyst, 94 Bascom Hall; or Written comments will be accepted until Feb. 15. The committee will treat all communications as confidential, and the university will protect such confidentiality within the framework of Wisconsin law.

Since the purpose of this review is to assess the administration of the dean of L&S, it is important that you tell us what has and has not worked well in your interactions with the administrator or members of his staff. Committee members are: John R. Palmer, professor emeritus of history, and M. Crawford Young, professor of political science.

Grants and fellowships

International Research and Exchanges Board
This board administers academic exchange programs for U.S. scholars traveling to Central and Eastern Europe, Eurasia and Mongolia. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Grant opportunities include:

Short-Term Travel Grants
Grants for scholarly projects focusing on Central and Eastern Europe, Eurasia and limited opportunities for Mongolia.

Deadline: June 1.

Information: IREX-International Research and Exchange Board, 1616 H Street, NW, Washington, DC, 20006; phone: (202) 628-8188; or visit:

Council on International Education
A new grants competition for 2000-01. To request an application, or for additional information: Michael Hinden, Associate Dean of International Studies, Office of International Studies and Programs, 269 Bascom Hall, 500 Lincoln Drive, Madison, WI 53706-1380. Phone: 262-5805, or e-mail

Deadline: Feb. 18. Completed proposals will be screened at the campus level before transmission to the UW System. Proposals should be sent to Hinden at the above address.

Excellence in Undergraduate Research
Wisconsin/Hilldale Undergraduate/Faculty Research Fellowships provide support for collaborative research. Applications due: Feb. 4.

Holstrom Environmental Scholarships are awarded for collaborative research on environmental issues. Applications due: Feb. 4.

Academic Excellence (University Book Store) Awards recognize students who have distinguished themselves by completing outstanding independent projects. Applications due: March 3.

Wisconsin Idea Undergraduate Fellowships are awarded for research service projects involving community organizations. This program for 2000-01 is sponsored by the Provost’s Office and the Morgridge Center for Public Service. For more information about this initiative, contact Susan Vande Hei, 263-4009, or e-mail Applications due: Feb. 4.

Individual faculty/instructional staff members may submit no more than three student applications per award program. Information: Office of the Provost, 150 Bascom Hall, 262-1304.

Brittingham Foundation Visitors
The Brittingham Foundation has provided generous funding to enable us to enrich small upper-level courses or seminars for undergraduates by bringing distinguished visitors to the classroom. The purpose of the Brittingham awards is to introduce advanced students to those working “in the field” who can contribute directly to the knowledge and skills students will need upon graduation. Visitors who exemplify interdisciplinary commitments and experiences are of particular interest to this program; they need not have “academic” credentials.

Brittingham awards are not intended to bring groups of visitors to campus but rather to provide a sustained interaction between a single visitor (non-academic if possible) and a specifically designated small group of undergraduates. Lecturing to large groups or classes is not necessary and does not enhance an application.

By integrating distinguished visitors into undergraduate seminars or small advanced courses, students will have the opportunity to focus their undergraduate studies in the major and to increase their awareness of the kinds of expertise and accomplishments they will need for subsequent work. The specific nature of the course(s) will, no doubt, vary from department to department and may include other upper-class students as well as graduating seniors. The course or seminar should either carry honors credit or provide a means by which individual students may obtain honors credit.

Budgets of up to $2,500 will be considered for each project; up to eight awards will be made for 2000-01. Under unusual circumstances when the expenses of a visit necessitate additional funds, larger awards will be considered. Travel expenses, honoraria, special supply needs and other appropriate expenses may be included. In past years, visitors have been on campus approximately a week; it is unlikely that visits of fewer than three full days will be funded. Proposals should include three copies of:

(1) A brief letter from the department chair (or chairs if two or more departments are sponsoring the proposal) which indicates how proposed visits will strengthen the education of undergraduate students and how many would be affected;

(2) A brief proposal from the faculty member(s) in charge of the upper-level course(s). The proposal should outline the contributions of specified visitor(s). It would be helpful if departments could consider coordinating the classroom visit(s) with a public lecture or a similar forum which would benefit other students, staff and members of the community; and

(3) A budget of estimated expenses to cover the costs of the visit and other material which might be necessary, either in preparation for the visit or as a result of it.

Departments should forward their proposals for the 2000-01 academic year to the Provost’s Office, 150 Bascom Hall, by Feb. 25. Announcements of awards will be made around the first of April.

For additional information, contact Associate Vice Chancellor Robert Skloot, 262-5246.

Teaching and Learning with Technology Grants
The Division of Information Technology (DoIT) announces the new Teaching & Learning with Technology (TLT) Grants Competition 2000 to support faculty and instructional staff in creating new pedagogies that use instructional technology to enhance teaching and learning. Deadline: Monday, May 1, 4:30 p.m.

Faculty and staff at all instructional levels are eligible to apply. All applicants are required to complete a pre-proposal phase. Please see the complete proposal guidelines for more details.

At least $150,000 will be awarded this year. Proposals will be reviewed by a faculty committee and selected based on the following criteria: (1) instructional need, (2) innovative application of instructional technology, (3) cost effectiveness, and (4) congruence with initiative priorities. For a full copy of proposal guidelines, visit: or see your department chair or secretary for a hard-copy version of materials.

DoIT’s Department of Learning Technology and Distance Education (LTDE) will host “The New Teaching & Learning with Technology Grants: What is it and who receives one” brown bag series on Friday, Feb. 4; and Thursday, March 9 to introduce and answer questions. Both brown bags will feature a project demonstration by a former grant recipient, and are scheduled from noon-1 p.m., 3139 Computer Sciences. Visit: for more information on LTDE sponsored events.

The Teaching and Learning with Technology Grants are sponsored by the Chancellor’s Office, funded by the Hilldale Foundation, and administered by DoIT’s Department of Learning Technology and Distance Education (LTDE). Information: Lisa Peyton-Caire, DoIT LTDE, 265-8638; or e-mail:

Staff awards
The Professional Development and Recognition Committee (PDRC) of the Academic Staff Assembly welcomes nominations and applications from the instructional academic staff for the following two UW System awards. The PDRC will review the UW–Madison applications and forward the best ones to UW System for further consideration.

2000 Alliant Energy/Wisconsin Power And Light

Underkofler Excellence In Teaching Award
The UW System Undergraduate Teaching Improvement Council requests nominations for the 2000 Alliant Energy Underkofler Excellence in Teaching Awards. Four $5,000 awards will be provided to faculty or teaching academic staff at UW System institutions within the service area of the company. The awards are intended to recognize teaching of outstanding quality that leads to substantial intellectual growth in students. Selections will be announced in April.

2000 Regents Teaching Excellence Awards
The UW System Office of Academic Affairs invites nominations for the 2000 Regents Teaching Excellence Awards. Two $5,000 awards will be given to faculty and academic staff members at UW System institutions in recognition of an outstanding career achievement in teaching. In addition, one $5,000 award will be given to an academic department, program or other academic unit. This award aims to recognize an academic department or program that demonstrates exceptional commitment to and effectiveness in teaching; we expect that funds from this award will be used for further program enhancements, such as professional development or teaching-related supplies and expenses. Award winners will be honored at a Board of Regents meeting. Winners and other nominees will be invited to contribute to System-sponsored programs focused on teaching excellence.

Eligibility and Nomination Procedures: Current members of the teaching faculty and teaching academic staff at UW System institutions are eligible for individual awards. Academic departments, programs and other academic units are eligible for the group award (hereafter called the “department/program award”). Each UW institution is invited to submit one nomination for an individual award and one nomination for a department/program award.

Application deadline: March 6. Ten complete sets of nomination materials (for each award above) should be submitted to the Office of the Secretary of the Academic Staff, UW–Madison, Bascom Hall 270, 500 Lincoln Drive.

For more details about the awards, please visit the PDRC’s Web site:

2000 Outstanding Achievement Awards
In appreciation for and recognition of student services professionals, the Student Personnel Association is accepting nominations for the awards described below. Awards will be presented at the SPA Annual Awards Luncheon on Wednesday, April 26.

Chancellor’s Award
Nominees should be recognized throughout campus as leaders in providing distinguished service to the university community and student services. They should show a record of excellence in their own areas, as well as distinctive contributions to the university as a whole (for example, committee work or volunteer work beyond the scope of their offices). Nominees should have been on staff a minimum of 15 years. Professional involvement and recognition in professional organizations outside the campus are factors for nominees. Nominees for this award are recognized for distinctive contributions in all aspects of their professional and personal lives. Award: $1,000.

Norman Bassett Award for Outstanding Achievement in Student Services
Two awards for outstanding achievement in student services. In acknowledgement of the generous support of the Foundation, these awards are named after Norman Bassett. Nominees should be able to show a record of excellence in student personnel work over a long period of time, and/or distinguished achievement in developing new, creative and effective programs for meeting students needs. Award: $500.

SPA Frontline Award
The award recognizes the individuals who positively influence students’ initial perception of the university. Nominees should have demonstrated commitment to serving students on a day-in and day-out basis in a professional, caring manner. Award: $500.

SPA Campus Impact Award
The award is intended to recognize individuals who have been in their current position for less than five years, but in that time have had a significant impact on this campus. Nominees should have demonstrated a record of excellence in student personnel work or have developed new, creative and effective programs for addressing student needs. Award: $500.

SPA Team Award
The focus of this award is on teamwork, sharing, and cross-unit work with others to accomplish something new, creative and effective for dealing with students needs. Nominees can range from internal units to campus-wide teams consisting of many units. Award: $500.

Nominations Instructions: Complete a nomination form and attach a letter of nomination that addresses the following areas:

1) Explain for which award(s) you are nominating this person and why; include the nominee’s years of service at UW–Madison; indicate the length of time you, as nominator, have known the nominee; explain why you chose to nominate the individual; describe the major job responsibilities and in what department the individual or team works; provide examples of the nominee’s accomplishments in the field of student services.

2) Include at least three and not more than five additional letters of support, preferable from people representing units outside of the one in which the nominee works should be solicited. It is also recommended that students write letters or support. State the length of time you have known the nominee; explain why you chose to support the nomination of the individual; provide examples of excellence in service to students; give any other insights on the nominee’s philosophy, work history or personal attributes.

3) If you have nominated an individual in the past two years for a SPA award and would like to reactivate that nomination, please send a written request to the chairperson. Update the nominee’s file, including current supporting letters and materials. Nominations received prior to the 1997-98 cannot be reactivated. Phone and e-mail nominations will not be accepted. Reactivated nominations are due the same day as new nominations, March 20.

4) Send nomination and accompanying materials, to: Rick Daluge, Chairperson, SPA Awards Committee, 116 Ag Hall, 1450 Linden Drive. Phone: 262-3127. Fax: 265-5905. E-mail:

Teaching Enhancement Grants
The Provost’s Office is pleased to announce the second year of the teaching and learning initiative for undergraduate education called the Teaching Enhancement Grants (TEGs). The chancellor has allocated $50,000 a year for three years from the resources available for innovative programs at the University Foundation. Last year, the university fully funded 10 proposals and partially funded two proposals.

TEGs are intended to assist in implementing innovations in undergraduate education that would otherwise not be funded. They focus on undergraduate students’ active participation in their education (in and out of classroom experiences, service learning, etc.), through a variety of means (freshman seminars, field trips, meetings with visiting guests, etc.), with additional benefits (Comm-B credits, interdisciplinary endeavors, etc.).

Applications should be sent to the Office of Associate Vice Chancellor Bob Skloot, 117 Bascom Hall, by Monday, March 27. Questions, applications: Chris Carlson-Dakes, 263-4259; or e-mail: A list of winners from last year is also available upon request.

Classified Employee Recognition Program
Rewards outstanding service to the public and students and other significant contributions to the university. Outstanding service may be evidenced by promoting the image of the department or university through continual extension of service and courtesy; consistently promoting excellence in him/herself and colleagues; exhibiting leadership and maintaining grace under pressure/deadlines/crisis situations; or initiating/recommending innovations in service or efficiency. Community service outside the university or outside of job responsibilities also weighs heavily, as does behavior or personality that makes the workplace more pleasant.

All represented and non-represented permanent classified employees are eligible. Employees may not receive awards in consecutive years. Employees must show a commitment to the university through at least five years of service.

Nominations deadline: Feb. 18. Send nominations to the Classified Personnel Office, 228 Peterson Building. All classified employees were sent the nomination form.

Council for Non-represented Classified Staff
Over the past six months, an organizing committee has been developing bylaws for a newly formed Council for Non-represented Classified Staff (CNCS). A copy of the draft bylaws will be sent to all non-represented classified employees in the near future. Classified Non-Represented employees should respond with their comments by Feb. 18.

Athletic Board Vacancies
The Athletic Board will have three faculty vacancies beginning July 1. The University Committee will accept applications/nominations until Tuesday, Feb. 15. Nominators should confirm that nominees are willing to serve if appointed.

Terms on the Athletic Board are four years, renewable once. There are 12 faculty, two academic staff, four alumni, and four students (three votes) on the board. The board has been functioning with six standing committees, Academic Affairs, Finance, Planning and Equity, Personnel, Compliance, and University Ridge Oversight. Meetings of committees generally occur with the same frequency as full board meetings, which is nine times per calendar year, including twice in the summer. Members are expected to serve on two or more of these committees and to become familiar with the personnel and operation of the department and its 23 sports, including attending a sampling of athletic events for several sports.

Nominees will be asked to submit by Tuesday, Feb. 29, a letter describing what they believe they would contribute to the board, and an up-to-date curriculum vitae, with research and teaching summarized if desired, but university service detailed. Nominations, letters, and vitae should be addressed to the University Committee, Office of the Secretary of the Faculty, 133 Bascom. Faculty who were nominated and submitted materials for the September 1999 vacancy may assume their files are still active. The University Committee will screen materials and interview candidates during their regular Monday afternoon meetings. The committee will then consult with the chancellor on their final list, and upon his approval will appoint new members by the end of the spring semester.

036055: Assistant Dean (M), Educ/General Administration (100%). Apply by February 15.

036255: Assistant Dean (L), L&S/Administration (100%). Apply by March 1.

036349: Sr Outreach Spec, Med Sc/UW Comprehensive Cancer Center (75%-100%). Apply by February 9.

036387: Outreach Specialist/Sr Outreach Spec, Nur/Outreach & Continuing Education (50%-100%). Apply by February 28.

036408: Assoc Outreach Spec/ Outreach Specialist/Sr Outreach Spec, Educ/Wis Center For Education Research (50%-100%). Apply by February 14.

036456: Assoc Marketing Spec/ Marketing Specialist/Sr Marketing Spec, Bus/School of Business (100%). Apply by February 11. Clinical / Health Sciences 035587: Clinical Asst Prof, Med Sc/Medicine (100%). Apply by February 13.

036415: Clin Nurse Specialist/ Sr Clin Nurse Spec, Med Sc/Family Medicine (50%). Apply by February 9. Communications
036457: Sr Media Specialist, Ath/General Operations (100%). Apply by February 14. Computer / Information Processing
036476: Systems Programmer, Engr/Engineering Experiment Station (100%). Apply by February 9. Executive
036055: Assistant Dean (M), Educ/General Administration (100%). Apply by February 15.

036255: Assistant Dean (L), L&S/Administration (100%). Apply by March 1. Instruction 035587: Clinical Asst Prof, Med Sc/Medicine (100%). Apply by February 13.

036248: Asst Faculty Assoc, L&S/School of Music (100%). Apply by February 15.

036349: Sr Outreach Spec, Med Sc/UW Comprehensive Cancer Center (75%-100%). Apply by February 9.

036387: Outreach Specialist/Sr Outreach Spec, Nur/Outreach & Continuing Education (50%-100%). Apply by February 28.

036405: Asst Faculty Assoc/ Assoc Faculty Assoc/Faculty Associate, Engr/Engineering Professional Development (100%). Apply by March 1.

036408: Assoc Outreach Spec/Outreach Specialist/Sr Outreach Spec, Educ/Wis Center For Education Research (50%-100%). Apply by February 14.

036452: Lecturer, L&S/History (40%). Apply by March 15. Research 035080: Assoc Instrmt Inn,Res, Med Sc/Surgery (100%). Apply by February 25. 035213: Assoc Researcher, L&S/Computer Sciences (100%). Apply by February 8. 035861: Assoc Research Spec/ Research Specialist/Sr Research Spec, Med Sc/Physiology (100%). Apply by March 1.

036115: Assoc Research Spec/Research Specialist, Vet M/Medical Sciences (100%). Apply by February 28.

036116: Assoc Research Spec/Research Specialist, Vet M/Medical Sciences (100%). Apply by February 28.

036127: Assoc Research Spec/Research Specialist, Grad/Molecular Biology (100%). Apply by February 15.

036290: Assoc Research Spec/Research Specialist, Med Sc/Anesthesiology (100%). Apply by February 9.

036301: Research Prog Mgr I, Ag&Lsc/Agricultural Research Stations (100%). Apply by February 17.

036349: Sr Outreach Spec, Med Sc/UW Comprehensive Cancer Center (75%-100%). Apply by February 9.

036387: Outreach Specialist/Sr Outreach Spec, Nur/Outreach & Continuing Education (50%-100%). Apply by February 28.

036408: Assoc Outreach Spec/Outreach Specialist/Sr Outreach Spec, Educ/Wis Center For Education Research (50%-100%). Apply by February 14.

036464: Research Specialist, L&S/Psychology (100%). Apply by February 15.

036465: Research Prog Mgr III, L&S/Interdiscipl Research Pgms-Natural Sci (50%). Apply by February 15.

036471: Asst Researcher/Assoc Researcher, Grad/Biotechnology Center (50%-100%). Apply by February 9.

036477: Asst Researcher, Vet M/Svm-Animal Health & Biomedical Sciences (50%-75%). Apply by February 9. Student Services
036055: Assistant Dean (M), Educ/General Administration (100%). Apply by February 15.

036255: Assistant Dean (L), L&S/Administration (100%). Apply by March 1.

036393: Student Services Spec, Dos/Associated Students of Madison (100%). Apply by February 8.

036409: Residence Hall Mgr, U Hsg/Single Student Residence Halls (100%). Apply by March 20.

Due to publication schedules and limited space, not all Academic Staff or Limited vacancies are listed in Wisconsin Week. Complete descriptions of all vacancies (including faculty) are available electronically through the Web at [click on “Position Vacancy Listings (Faculty, Academic Staff, and Limited Positions”)] or at the Academic Personnel Office, 174 Bascom Hall (263-2511).

UW–Madison is an Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action employer.

To submit a notice for For the Record
University departments are welcome to list official notices to the campus community in For the Record. We must receive your announcement at least 10 days before publication.

Campus mail: 19 Bascom Hall
