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Flu season arrives on campus

January 27, 1999

Influenza season is here officially, now that the University Health Services and the Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene have recently confirmed a case of influenza in a UW–Madison student.

More information about influenza is available at the UHS web site.

So far this year, influenza activity has been relatively mild nationwide but cases are slowly increasing in Wisconsin. To help reduce the spread of influenza in the UW–Madison community, UHS provided flu shots to 5,100 students last fall.

“Still, we can expect to see more students come down with influenza, and for those who do, it often means a week or more of missed classes and other activities,” says Craig Roberts, UHS manager of community health.

Influenza is a brief, but often severe and highly contagious respiratory infection. Symptoms typically appear 24-72 hours after exposure and are characterized by a quick onset of high fever, chills, headache, fatigue, cough and sometimes a sore throat. Uncomplicated influenza generally resolves itself within a week. Symptomatic treatment with rest, acetaminophen (for fever) and plenty of fluids are important to facilitate a prompt recovery.

UHS recommends that ill students stay at home, both for personal and public health reasons. Students who need medical care should be referred to UHS at 263-3163. However, UHS does not provide “medical excuses” for absences due to illness.

The reasons: finite resources, lack of direct knowledge about illness appropriately managed by self-care, and a commitment to student privacy. By campus policy, individual instructors are responsible for determining absence and make-up policies for ill students.