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Faculty salaries still lag

May 14, 1999

In the past year, salaries for full and associate professors rose slightly compared to UW–Madison’s peer institutions, while the pay level for assistant professors maintained its same position among the 11 peer universities, according to the Faculty Senate’s Commission on Faculty Compensation and Economic Benefits. The senate discussed the report Monday, May 3.

Overall, UW–Madison faculty salaries still lag behind the median of their peers by 6 percent, compared to 7.2 percent last year, the report says.

To reach the median of their peers by 2001, the report adds, UW–Madison faculty must receive 5.2 percent raises in each of the next two years – the level recommended by the UW System Board of Regents as part of the 1999-2001 state budget. The Joint Committee on Employment Relations is scheduled to take action on state pay plans this summer.

Concerning health insurance, the report urges the state to immediately contribute its share of the cost for coverage of new faculty. Currently, new state employees must wait six months before the state begins contributing toward their health insurance premiums.