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Faculty promotions and new appointments

September 23, 2003


College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Sebastian Bednarek, Biochemistry; Leslie Cooperband, Soil Science; Ferencz Denes, Biological Systems Engineering; Heidi Goodrich-Blair, Bacteriology; Heidi Kaeppler, Agronomy; Roger Palmer, Dairy Science; Tomas Prolla, Genetics (also Medical School-Genetics); Janet Silbernagel Balster, Natural Resources-Landscape Architecture; John Stier, Horticulture

School of Education
Bernadette Baker, Curriculum and Instruction; Brian Bottge, Rehabilitation Psychology and Special Education; Derrick Buisch, Art; Gary Diffee, Kinesiology; Kreg Gruben, Kinesiology; Theresa Marche, Art; Julie Mead, Educational Administration; Douglas Rosenberg, Kinesiology; Amy Stambach, Educational Policy Studies;

College of Engineering
David Alumbaugh, Civil and Environmental Engineering; Dariusz Ceglarek, Industrial Engineering; Nicola Ferrier, Mechanical Engineering; Gregory Harrington, Civil and Environmental Engineering; David Nembhard, Industrial Engineering; Harriet Nembhard, Industrial Engineering; Akbar Sayeed, Electrical and Computer Engineering

School of Human Ecology
Judith Bartfeld, Roberto Rengel

Law School
Richard Ross

College of Letters and Science
Julia Evans, Communicative Disorders; Mikhail Feldman, Mathematics; Jason Fine, Statistics (also Medical School-Biostatistics and Medical Infomatics); Xianghong Gong, Mathematics; Albrecht Karle, Physics; Yi Lin, Statistics; Grazia Menechella, French and Italian; Lisa Naughton, Geography; Lincoln Quillian, Sociology; Norma Salvidar, Theatre and Drama; James Shah, Psychology; Bradley Singer, Geology and Geophysics; Basil Tikoff, Geology and Geophysics; Andrew Wolpert, Classics (also Letters and Science-History); Tonghai Yang, Mathematics

Medical School
Thomas Best, Family Medicine; Neil Binkley, Medicine; Roseanne Clark, Psychiatry; Andreas Friedl, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine; Anna Huttenlocher, Pediatrics; Charles David Page Jr., Biostatistics and Medical Infomatics; Michael Sheets, Biomolecular Chemistry

School of Pharmacy
Jeffrey Johnson, Charles Lauhon


College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
William Bland, Soil Science; Ian Coxhead, Agricultural and Applied Economics; Steven Ingham, Food Science; Jiming Jiang, Horticulture; Shawn Kaeppler, Agronomy; Jack Kloppenburg, Rural Sociology; David Mladenoff, Forest Ecology and Management; Glen Stanosz, Plant Pathology; David Stoltenberg, Agronomy; Milo Wiltbank, Dairy Science

School of Education
Stacey Lee, Educational Policy Studies; Chiao-Ping Li, Kinesiology

College of Engineering
James Davis, Engineering Professional Development; William Sethares, Electrical and Computer Engineering; Vadim Shapiro, Mechanical Engineering

School of Human Ecology
Nadine Marks

Law School
Michael Smith

College of Letters and Science
Maria Cancian, Lafollette School of Public Affairs (also Letters and Science-Social Work); Sally Chisholm, School of Music; David Crook, School of Music; Donna Fernandez, Botany; Philip Gorski, Sociology; Sabine Gross, German; Jeffrey Hardin, Zoology; Michael Kosorok, Statistics (also Medical School-Biostatistics and Medical Infomatics); Yafei Li, Linguistics; Mark Louden, German; Laura McClure, Classics; Paul Milewski, Mathematics; Grant Petty, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences; Arun Ram, Mathematics; Hemant Shah, Journalism and Mass Communication; Lawrence Shapiro, Philosophy; Denise Solomon, Communication Arts; Edgar Spalding, Botany; Mark Suchman, Sociology

Medical School
Ian Bird, Obstetrics and Gynecology; Emery Bresnick, Pharmacology; Teresa Compton, Oncology; Karen Cruickshanks, Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences (also Medical School-Population Health Sciences); James Gern, Pediatrics; Thaddeus Golos, Obstetrics and Gynecology; Daniel Loeb, Oncology; Keith Meyer, Medicine; Patrick Remington, Population Health Sciences; Joanne Robbins, Medicine; Jeffrey Walker, Physiology

School of Veterinary Medicine
David Vail

Division of Continuing Studies
James Campbell, Professional Development and Applied Studies; Nancy Worcester, Professional Development and Applied Studies


College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Michael Samuel, Wildlife Ecology

School of Business
Francois Ortalo-Magne, Toni Whited

College of Engineering
Robert Blick, Electrical and Computer Engineering; Robert Nowak, Electrical and Computer Engineering

College of Letters and Science
Kjell Doksum, Statistics; Robert Freeland, Sociology; Carolyn Heinrich, Lafollette School of Public Affairs; Anthony Simotes, Theatre and Drama; Louise Young, History; Ellen Zweibel, Astronomy (also Letters and Science-Physics); Joe Soss, Political Science; John Martin, Sociology; Theodore Gerber, Sociology; Menzie Chinn, Lafollette School of Public Affairs

Medical School
Sanjay Asthana, Medicine; Wade Bushman, Surgery; Maureen Durkin, Population Health Sciences; Timothy Hall, Medical Physics; Mark Kliewer, Radiology; Husan Mukhtar, Dermatology; David Olive, Obstetrics and Gynecology; James Stein, Medicine;


College of Agricultural and Life Sciences
Eileen Cullen, Entomology; Johanne Brunet, Horticulture; Samer Alatout, Rural Sociology; Samuel Dennis Jr., Natural Resources-Landscape Architecture; Janet Gilmore, Natural Resources-Landscape Architecture

School of Business
Kenneth Kavajecz

School of Education
Kimberly Howard, Counseling Psychology; Kurt Squire, Curriculum and Instruction; Patricia Burch, Educational Policy Studies; Philip Scruggs, Kinesiology; Lisa Colbert, Kinesiology; Julia Wilbarger, Kinesiology

College of Engineering
Justin Williams, Biomedical Engineering; Heidi-Lynn Ploeg, Mechanical Engineering; Frank Pfefferkorn, Mechanical Engineering; Seapahn Megerian, Electrical and Computer Engineering; Padma Gopalan, Materials Science and Engineering

Institute for Environmental Studies
Teresa Holloway

College of Letters and Science
Katarzyna Allen, Classics; Katherine Hustad, Communicative Disorders; Mario Ortiz-Robles, English; Daniel Vimont, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences; Ruth Turley, Sociology; Lauren Riters, Zoology; Mary Beltran, Communication Arts; Christine Garlough, Communication Arts; Lyn Turkstra, Communicative Disorders; Lucia Quesada, Economics; Birgit Brander Rasmussen, English; Thomas Albrecht, French and Italian; Joseph Mason, Geography; Marc Kleijwegt, History; Ana Sartorio, Philosophy; Juan Comesana, Philosophy; Daniel Chung, Physics; Akikazu Hashimoto, Physics; Eric MacGilvray, Political Science; Tamir Moustafa, Political Science; Scott Gehlbach, Political Science; Haodong Cai, Psychology; Tracy Schroepfer, Social Work; Mara Loveman, Sociology; Preeti Chopra, Languages and Cultures of Asia; Madeleine Wong, Geography; Julie Mitchell, Mathematics (also College of Agricultural and Life Sciences-Biochemistry)

Medical School
Juan Jaume, Medicine; Arjang Djamali, Medicine; Maria Alfonso-Jaume, Medicine; Cynthia Carlsson, Medicine; Craig Atwood, Medicine; Guang-Hong Chen, Medical Physics; Raghavendra Vemuganti, Neurological Surgery; Erik Ranheim, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine; Christine Seroogy, Pediatrics; Christina Hull, Biomolecular Chemistry; Leonelo Bautista, Population Health Sciences; David Vanness, Population Health Sciences; Jack Nitschke, Psychiatry; Arjang Djamali, Medicine; Robert Kalejta, Oncology; Akihiro Ikeda, Genetics

School of Nursing
Pamela Magnussen-Ironside