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Fact sheet: Office of Corporate Relations

May 1, 2003
  • The Office of Corporate Relations is the result of a nearly yearlong study by the Chancellor’s Task Force on University-Business Relations, composed of university leaders and senior executives from the Wisconsin business sector.
  • Names of task force members appear at the end of task force report:
  • The university’s goal, as articulated by the task force, is: “To create and strengthen mutually beneficial relationships between the private sector and the university, with special emphasis on technology transfer, continuing education and providing well-educated students and graduates.”
  • The Office of Corporate Relations, with Charles Hoslet as managing director, becomes effective July 1, 2003, with a three-person staff, including an associate director and one support person.
  • As part of the new initiative, the office of University-Industry Relations (UIR) is being phased out, resulting in a savings of approximately $240,000 in general purpose revenue (state tax dollars).
  • UIR was originally created in 1963 as part of the university’s Graduate School. The decision to phase out UIR is based on the fact that its operating model has not kept pace with the changing needs and expectations of the business community.
  • Also as part of the new initiative, the university’s Technology Transfer Council will become part of the Office of Corporate Relations, and those staff members who have served as associate directors of UIR will return to their full-time positions in their schools and colleges.
  • The functions that UIR provided in the past, such as equity review checks, managing intellectual property disclosures and running grant programs, will continue to be performed by the Graduate School or by individual schools and colleges as appropriate.
  • Hoslet has been with the Office of the Chancellor since 1997, with responsibility for directing the university’s state government relations. He holds an undergraduate degree from Marquette University in Milwaukee and a law degree from UW–Madison.
  • Management of the university’s state relations function will remain in the Office of the Chancellor, under the direction of Casey Nagy, executive assistant to the chancellor. Hoslet’s current position as director of state government relations is not being filled at this time.