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ePICS course offers business, technology assistance to nonprofits

December 6, 2005

As exam time rolls around, UW–Madison students in the e-Projects in Community Service (ePICS) course won’t be studying textbooks or writing take-home finals. They’ll be presenting their semester’s work to real-world clients, 12 nonprofit organizations for whom students have designed Web sites, built Web-based information systems, created logos, developed marketing materials and produced videos.

These business and technology projects will be on display and students will be on hand to discuss their work, at the fall 2005 ePICS Expo from 4:30-6:30 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 12, in the Engineering Centers Building. The event is open to the public and free parking is available after 4:30 p.m. in Lot 17.

Dubbed “Real World 101” by students, ePICS brings together approximately 100 students each semester from engineering, journalism, business and art to work on interdisciplinary teams. Each team is assigned to work with one of 12 nonprofit “client” organizations

For information about corporate or community volunteer opportunities with ePICS, or information on becoming a client organization, attend the Expo or contact Katherine Loving at or 263-5714.