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Employee Matters

September 10, 2002

The staff of the Employee Compensation and Benefits Services office prepares this column on employee issues.

Do you commute to work? Would you like to save money on your commute? UW employees have access to free bus passes and pre-tax deduction programs.

How can I get a free bus pass?
The university made arrangements with the Madison Metro to provide each eligible UW employee with a free bus pass. The program began in August. Parking on campus is very limited, so employees are encouraged to use alternatives to driving.

Passes are available at the Transportation Information Place at the west end of the Memorial Union or at Transportation Service’s main office, 124 WARF.

UW Hospital employees can pick up their bus passes in the Transportation Services office at G5/140 Clinical Science Center. Faculty and staff with emeritus status are eligible for passes, too.

Can I pay for my transportation costs pre-tax?
Employees who commute to work have three options for deducting costs on a pre-tax basis. The university has payroll deductions for parking and van pools. A new program, Commuter Benefits, is available on a pre-tax basis.

How do I find out about UW campus parking?
Employees wanting to sign up for parking in a university-owned lot should contact their unit parking coordinator. Parking is very limited.

For information on parking and alternatives, visit:

UW parking lots and locations can be viewed at:

If a UW lot is available, the employee can have the cost deducted from payroll on a pre-tax basis. For more information about pre-tax deductions for parking, visit:

Where can I find out about commuter van pools?
The Department of Administration offers the Van Pool Program to anyone commuting to Madison. Payment for van pool expenses can be deducted from payroll pre-tax. To sign up, contact DOA, 266-POOL, (800) 884-VANS,

For more information, visit:

What is offered through the Commuter Benefits Program?
The Commuter Benefits Program is for state employees and supplements the existing UW–Madison pre-tax parking and van pool programs. Employees can participate provided they do not exceed the monthly maximum pre-tax contribution amounts. Employee Trust Funds administers the program. Fringe Benefit Management Co. processes deductions and reimbursements.

For UW Madison employees this program will offer a pre-tax deduction for commuting expenses that currently cannot be deducted on a pre-tax basis, such as car pooling, flex parking, city parking meters or ramps, private parking arrangements, park-and-ride costs or private bus costs.

For more information, visit:

More benefits questions?
E-mail a benefit specialist at the Employee Compensation and Benefits office at Or call 263-7556 or 262-5650. To request an individual appointment, call 262-1212.