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Chicago Sun-Times political writer to visit

February 18, 2005

Lynn Sweet, Washington, D.C., bureau chief for the Chicago Sun-Times, will visit the campus this month as the spring semester’s Public Affairs Writer in Residence.

A veteran political reporter, Sweet is also a columnist for The Hill, a newspaper that covers Capitol Hill, and a regular contributor to television and radio political shows in the United States and Canada.

As the violence between Israelis and Palestinians was deepening in 2002, she was sent to the region to cover the conflict. In 1995, Sweet broke the story on the perks the Clinton White House offered majored donors. And 15 years ago, she was one of the first journalists to analyze political ads for accuracy.

Last year, she spent a semester at Harvard University as a fellow with the Institute of Politics in the Kennedy School of Government. At Harvard, Sweet ran a study group on the presidential campaign.

She will be on campus during the week of Feb. 28, and will meet with journalism and political science students in classes and in informal groups to discuss her work.

In addition, she will give a public talk in the lounge at the Chadbourne Residential College on Tuesday, March 1, at 4:30 p.m. In addition, she will meet with local journalists to discuss issues percolating on Capitol Hill.

The Public Affairs Writer in Residence Program is sponsored by the School of Journalism and Mass Communication and University Communications, and co-sponsored by the La Follette School of Public Affairs. The program is supported by the University of Wisconsin Foundation.

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