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Chancellor’s message to campus

September 11, 2001

This message to campus community is in the process of being forwarded to faculty, staff and students:

As many of you are aware, a series of horrific explosions have taken place in various eastern cities this morning.

At present, there is no reason to believe that the university community is at risk, and classes and other regular events are proceeding as scheduled.

We are making provision for counseling and travel assistance to all students, staff and faculty affected by these events, particularly where family relations are involved. The Dean of Students Office should be contacted at (608) 263-5700 for appropriate referrals, or contact Counseling and Consultation Services, 905 University Ave., (608) 265-6500.

Please remember that, when events like this take place, the natural response of those who witness or observe them can be very emotional.

Over the next few days, take time to consider what actions are most appropriate for your personal safety, but remember as well that attendance at classes and being present on campus are considered completely safe.

John D. Wiley