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Chancellor appoints Dean of Students search committee

May 5, 1999

Chancellor David Ward announced May 3 the appointment of a search and screen committee to select a new dean of students.

The committee will recruit applicants and select finalists for the position. The new dean will succeed Mary Rouse, who will become an assistant vice chancellor in charge of strengthening and expanding programs that connect classroom and service learning. Rouse will continue as dean of students until Ward chooses a new dean.

Hardin Coleman, associate professor of counseling psychology in the School of Education, will chair the 12-member search and screen committee. The committee will be comprised of four students, four academic staff members and four faculty.

Ward has asked Associated Students of Madison, the Academic Staff Executive Committee and the University Committee, the executive panel of the Faculty Senate, to appoint their four representatives prior to commencement weekend May 14-16. David Musolf, secretary of the faculty, will staff the search committee.

“The equal representation of academic staff is a reflection of the important role that staff play in designing and delivering key student services. The equal representation of students reflects the importance of their role in student life, services and interests. The integral role that the faculty play in academic connections to student life, services and interests, especially out-of-classroom learning, is also reflected in equal representation on this committee,” Ward wrote in a memo to Associated Students of Madison announcing the committee’s formation. Ward met with ASM representatives Monday.

To facilitate greater student input because of the unique focus of the dean position, Ward has invited several student groups to form a special screening panel. Groups suggested by ASM include ASM’s Shared Governance Committee; Campus Women’s Center; Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Campus Center; Multicultural Student Center; National Pan-Hellenic Council; Panhellenic Association/Interfraternity Council; Student Athlete Advisory Board; and the Student Organization Council. Ward recommended adding the University Residence Halls Board and the Wisconsin Union Directorate.

This panel will be asked to work with Musolf to develop a process for the job finalists to meet with student leaders and make presentations to the panel. Ward has also invited the panel to share individual and collective observations about the finalists with him.

Rouse has served as dean of students since 1987. The position oversees student life and services for the university’s 40,000 students.