Category Science & Technology
New program offered in biotechnology
To prepare professionals for the burgeoning field of biotechnology, the university will offer a new part-time graduate degree program beginning fall 2002.
Genomics portends next revolution in agriculture
As science begins to accumulate and explore plant and animal genomes - the entire set of genetic instructions for a particular organism - a new revolution in agriculture is in the offing and, according to university biologist Robert Goodman, promises a long-lasting and favorable impact on agriculture worldwide.
Program lends new precision to ‘gamma knife’
In a promising new research effort, a mathematical program is helping automate and fine-tune the arduous process of radiation surgery.
Genome project finds ‘triggers’ for E. coli illness
The newly completed genomic sequence of E. coli O157:H7 reveals how these potentially deadly bacteria are armed with a surprisingly wide range of genes that may trigger illness.
UW researchers focus on food-borne illnesses
The battle over bad bugs in the food supply is intensifying at UW–Madison, with a new faculty hiring effort focused on the growing worldwide concern about food-borne pathogens.
Discovery may jump-start mine remediation efforts
Probing the microscopic life found in the submerged recesses of an abandoned Wisconsin lead and zinc mine, scientists have found compelling evidence that microorganisms play a key role in the formation of mineral deposits. The finding could help jump-start new remediation efforts for contaminated mining sites.
Discovery of ‘immortal skin’ holds medical promise
From a routine study of the life span of human skin cells, a university research project gave rise to an astonishing accident: A line of skin cells that simply wouldn't die.
Work transforms rodent virus into vaccines
A new process transforms the lowly cardiovirus into a potential multipurpose vaccine that eventually may be used trigger an immune response to a host of human and animal afflictions from malaria to HIV.
Gene barrier could boost farming, environment
Working with teosinte, a wild cousin of maize, a university scientist has found a molecular barrier that, bred into modern hybrid corn, is capable of completely locking out foreign genes, including those from genetically modified corn.
Sans organism, scientists harvest a trove of DNA
Plant pathologists at UW–Madison are harvesting many new and useful chemicals from, literally, beneath our feet. The DNA of microorganisms extracted from soil samples may yield new antibiotics, insecticides, anticancer drugs or antiparasitic agents.
WARF commits $80 million to BioStar
The Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation has pledged $80 million to the university's BioStar Initiative over the life of the 10-year bioscience building project.