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Capitol Capsules

December 7, 1999

Capitol Capsules

Governor to sign pension bill
Gov. Tommy Thompson says he plans to sign the pension bill within two weeks. Passed by the Legislature in October, the bill (AB 495) makes several changes to the Wisconsin Retirement System. These changes include an increase in the multiplier for service prior to Jan. 1 and the removal of the 5 percent interest-rate cap on employee required contribution accumulations for persons whom are participating employees in the system when the bill is signed into law. The governor had delayed action on the bill to make sure all legal and financial questions had been addressed. However, once signed, the bill will likely face state Supreme Court scrutiny before implementation.

Student regent appointed
University junior Joe Alexander has been nominated to the UW System Board of Regents. Alexander is a political science and finance major. As a regent, he indicated he wants to pursue a three-point agenda: keep UW tuition in check, maintain faculty excellence and increase diversity. His appointment goes to the state Senate for confirmation.

Upcoming hearings

  • Wednesday, Dec. 15: The Assembly Government Operations Committee will meet at 10 a.m. in 415 Northwest, state Capitol. Included on the agenda is a bill (AB 545) that provides paid leave for state employees who serve as bone marrow and organ donors.

Legislation introduced

  • Rep. Marc Duff, R-New Berlin, has introduced legislation (AB 592) that would create an international Baccalaureate Diploma grant program for high school seniors. The bill has been referred to the Assembly Committee on Colleges and Universities.
  • Rep. Rick Skindrud, R-Mt. Horeb, has proposed legislation (LRB 3976/2) that would prohibit the University of Wisconsin from expending tax money or program revenue, other than from gifts, to send family and friends of faculty and staff and nonessential personnel to conferences, seminars, competitions and other events.

For more information
The university’s state relations staff works to raise awareness of the value and impact of UW–Madison on Wisconsin and improve the relationship between the university and state government leaders. Contact Charles B. Hoslet, special assistant to the chancellor for state relations:, 97 Bascom Hall, 263-5510 or visit the State Relations Web site.