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BS unmasks UAP: Web site explains acronyms

February 10, 2004

Those who muddle EHC with ECHO, or mix up ISP with PIR may find relief at BS’s AI Web site.

Business Services is publishing a new Web reference source, the “Acronym Index for UW–Madison Administrative Processes.”

“Customers told us that we talk in codes,” says Don Miner, assistant vice chancellor for business services. “This makes it very hard for a new department chair or administrator, or faculty or staff to figure out what we mean by “Complete a TER or a PIR’ or “Prepare an ASSA request.'”

A list of acronyms used in administrative processes can be found at Clicking on the acronym conducts a search across UW–Madison Web pages for the acronym concatenated with the decoded words the acronym represents.

Such a search illustrates why acronyms need spelling out. Not only could “AI” signify the acronym index itself, but in business speak “AI” means “additional insured.” To further compound confusion, a search from the acronym index brings up links to “artificial intelligence.”

The Acronym Index combined with recently launched “how-to pages” listed at provide faculty and staff with tools to navigate university administrative processes quickly and efficiently.

Departments and divisions can link their pages to these helpful sites, Miner notes. Every Business Services page features links to the main how-to page and the acronym index.

Business Services will expand the acronym index and how-to pages as customers let them know about the need for additional explanation, Miner adds. Customers should click on the link to the webmaster and send in their suggestions.

Tags: learning