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Brittingham Viking Organization offers study-abroad scholarships

September 29, 2005 By Cheryl Porior-Mayhew

The Brittingham Viking Organization (BVO), a group that sponsors study-abroad programs in Scandinavia, is accepting scholarship applications for 2006 and 2007. Scholarship programs provide all-expenses-paid study-abroad opportunities to UW–Madison undergraduate and graduate students in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark.

The chosen scholars will take classes at world-renowned universities during summer or spring semester programs. The scholarship covers tuition, room and board, and a travel stipend for the transatlantic flight. Students will also have the opportunity to travel to other destinations in Scandinavia with other members of the BVO.

The Brittingham Viking Organization has been making academic, social and professional connections between UW–Madison and Scandinavia for more than 50 years. The organization was founded in 1953 by Thomas E. Brittingham Jr. to bring Nordic students to UW–Madison. Soon after, a program was instituted that provided scholarships for UW–Madison students to study in Scandinavia, and since then, hundreds have benefited from the program. Once students participate in a BVO program, they become members of the organization, which raises funds to sustain the scholarships for future generations.

Each BVO scholarship focuses on a different area of study. Upcoming opportunities include:

  • Copenhagen Viking Scholarship: Two students will study at the Copenhagen Business School in Denmark during summer 2006. Classes are taught in English.
  • Madison (Oslo) Viking Scholarship: Two students travel to Oslo, Norway, to take courses at the International Summer School (ISS) in 2006. ISS welcomes students from around the globe for a wide variety of liberal arts courses. Classes are taught in English.
  • Helsinki Viking Scholarship: Two students will attend their choice of either the Helsinki University of Technology or the Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration during the Spring 2007 semester. Applicants for this scholarship must be studying business, engineering (electrical, mechanical or industrial) or computer science. Classes are taught in English.

For more information, contact Tessa Michaelson, scholarship coordinator, at

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