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Beating those midwinter blues: Hoofers hit the ice

February 15, 2000

Hoofers Club members and other Madisonians beat the midwinter blues at the Hoofer Winter Carnival Feb. 5 on the Lake Mendota ice off Memorial Union Terrace.

Winter Carnival
Astronomy lecturers and Hoofers scuba club members Walt Harris, right, and Mark Quigley brave the 34 degree waters of Lake Mendota for a quick ice dive in Lake Mendota off Memorial Union Terrace during the annual Hoofers Winter Carnival February 5. Quigley ventured about 20 yards under the ice with a safety line before resurfacing to exclaim, “That water’s pretty damn cold! It will stop your heart.” Photo: Jeff Miller

Winter Carnival
Scuba Club divers hit the frigid drink for brief swims under the Lake Mendota’s solidified surface during a morning ice-diving demonstration. Photo: Jeff Miller

Winter Carnival
A valiant attempt to swat a save fails as ball bypasses broom during the Hoofers’ afternoon broomball tourney. Photo: Jeff Miller

Winter Carnival
With a gentle swish, a golfer nudges his tennis ball out of the rough fluff during an ice golf tournament. Photo: Jeff Miller

Winter Carnival
Hoofers blow snow from the ice to prepare the field of play for broomballers. Photo: Jeff Miller

Winter Carnival
Shards of frozen water fly as sculptors chisel away at their carved creations. Photo: Jeff Miller