Badgers are back! Thoughts on cold, new semester
Facing the negative temperatures early last week when they returned to campus, these four Badgers braved the cold for their first week of classes and shared their anticipations for the new semester.

Ian Wilder
Ian Wilder
Senior, journalism and political science
Hometown: Warsaw, Poland
What you are most excited about for this semester? I’m a senior so it’s my last semester so I’m kinda just taking it all in, trying to enjoy the college life while I still can. I have a lighter class load so I’m looking forward to enjoying that.
How have you been dealing with the cold since being back? Warsaw’s cold but it’s not like this. This is a different breed. I have fleece-lined jeans I bought for the first time in my life. I have a new scarf because my other one wasn’t warm enough. I have a warm hat. I’m getting through it somehow! It’s quite the start to the semester but it’s only warmer from here!

Kyra Reimer
Kyra Riemer
Junior, English major with creative writing emphasis
Hometown: DeForest, Wisconsin
What are you most excited about for this semester? I’m a transfer from Madison Area Technical College so I used to do all online courses. I’m just excited to be, not only in a bigger school, but also just a new community and in-person classes in general. So that’s super exciting, just to get out!
How have you been dealing with the cold since being back? It’s not a shocker since I’m used to it so it’s not painful. I don’t love the cold though. You have to layer up for sure.

Alex Jaworski
Alex Jaworski
Freshman, finance major
Hometown: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
What are you most excited about for this semester? I want to maintain my grades and become more involved on campus and just have a good time with friends. I also want to go ice skating this weekend so that’s the main thing right now.
How have you been dealing with the cold since being back? Yeah, the weather’s fine. You definitely need a jacket though, it’s pretty cold out.

Sophia Delgado
Sophia Delgado
Junior, food science major
Hometown: Minnetonka, Minnesota
What are you most excited about for this semester? I’m excited about having new classes and getting to be back with my friends and just learn more! I’m a food science major so I feel like my food preservation class will be interesting to learn about and I’m also taking a real estate class which should be cool too since it’s outside of my major. My birthday’s also coming up so I’m super excited to reconnect with all my friends after not seeing them for a month!
How have you been dealing with the cold since being back? It’s definitely still a little bit of a shock going outside, even though I’m from Minnesota. I’ve just been trying to stay inside as much as possible but bundling up as much as I can when going outside. I feel like I’m used to walking to the bus as a kid — I’m used to my mom wrapping me in ten layers before I go out the door. I’m just trying to remember that it’ll get warmer eventually!