Arboretum director search underway

The sun shines through the golden-hued foliage of towering trees in Wingra Woods at the University of Wisconsin–Madison Arboretum in October 2012. Photo: Jeff Miller
The University of Wisconsin–Madison is accepting nominations and applicants for the position of director of the UW–Madison Arboretum.
Dedicated in 1934, the Arboretum is a field research and teaching laboratory situated on 1,200 acres in Madison and Fitchburg and 15 outlying properties covering more than 500 acres. The site of seminal research in ecological restoration, the Arboretum remains home to the oldest restored ecological communities in the world, gardens including a renowned lilac collection and more than 20 miles of trails visited year-round by members of the university and Madison community.
An eight-member search and screen committee, led by agronomy professor Chris Kucharik, is collecting nominations and applications, with a deadline of Aug. 15. The committee includes: Susan Carpenter, Arboretum native plant gardener, Claudio Gratton, professor of entomology; Sara Hotchkiss, associate professor of botany; Jim Hurley, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering; Lea Jacobs, professor of communication arts; Janet Silbernagel, professor in the Nelson Institute; and Monica Turner, professor of zoology.
Candidates must hold a Ph.D. in a biological, environmental or conservation science or related discipline, with a strong record of scholarship in a field complementary to the Arboretum’s mission.
Names of potential candidates may be sent to the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education at Further details on applying for the position are provided in the position vacancy listing.
The successful candidate will succeed Donna Paulnock, who has served as interim director of the Arboretum since 2012.