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Applications available for undergraduate research scholarships

December 6, 2005

UW–Madison offers undergraduates great opportunities to engage in collaborative research with faculty or instructional/research academic staff. Applications are now available in the Undergraduate Academic Awards Office, 271 Bascom Hall, or at the Web sites listed below. If you have questions, e-mail:

Hilldale Undergraduate/Faculty Research Fellowships and Holstrom Environmental Scholarships provide $4,000 to the student and $1,000 to the faculty/staff supervisor to help defray the costs of research. Applications are due Friday, Feb. 17.

Wisconsin Idea Fellowships provide up to $3,000 to the student (up to $5,000 for a group project) for research-service projects involving community organizations under the supervision of a UW–Madison faculty or instructional academic staff member. Applications are due Friday, Feb. 17.

University Book Store Academic Excellence Awards provide $1,000 to the student for outstanding independent final projects. Applications are due Monday, March 6.

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