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November 19, 2002

Live Help: Reference Librarians Advise Via Instant Messaging
Library users can now get personal help from a reference librarian anywhere on or off campus with the click of a button. In addition to using Live Help on campus library computers, you can activate it for your home or office by visiting the UW-Libraries Web site and downloading an Internet Explorer plug-in for your PC. Once the plug-in is installed, you can ask librarians to help you navigate library resources, view the same Web pages simultaneously, and chat about results in real time.

The fall 2002 semester hours for Libraries Live Help are: Monday-Wednesday: 1-6 p.m. and 7 p.m.-midnight; Thursday: 1-6 p.m. and 7-9 p.m.; Friday: 1-5 p.m.; Sunday: 7 p.m.-midnight

For information or to download Live Help:

New York Times Archives and Knovel Engineering Database Available Online
You can now search archives of The New York Times dating back to 1851 and retrieve printable PDF files of the individual articles as they originally appeared in the newspaper. Information: More recent Times articles can still be found in Lexis/Nexis. Content from more than 400 engineering reference handbooks, databases and conference proceedings is interactive and cross-searchable in the Knovel database. You can retrieve tables, graphs and equations, and manipulate them in spreadsheets. Subject areas include chemistry, chemical engineering, environmental engineering, concrete, asphalt, mechanical engineering, semiconductors, electronics and surface engineering. All of the titles are also listed in MadCat with links that will take you directly to the full-text resource. Information:

Memorial Library Open 24/7
The first-floor west corridor of Memorial Library is now open 24 hours a day, seven days a week to UW–Madison students, faculty and staff. In addition to a full-service computer lab, the space includes two rooms for quiet study and is equipped with wireless Internet connection.

Coffee Café Coming to College Library
Work is set to begin this semester on the construction of a coffee cafe/study area in Helen C. White College Library room 1250, just to the right after one enters the main doors on the first floor. Library staff hope the “Open Book Cafe” will be open for business by the start of spring term. The cafe will offer baked goods as well as coffee and other beverages.

Obtaining Print Resources Now Quicker and Easier
A host of new library services make requesting and obtaining printed library materials faster and easier. Library Express retrieves journal articles and delivers them electronically to UW–Madison faculty, staff and graduate students at no cost for articles not in UW–Madison collections. A $1-per-article fee is charged for articles available in the campus libraries. Information:

Book Retrieval allows you to place a request for books from libraries across campus and have them delivered to the campus library most convenient for you. Materials arrive one to three business days following the initial request. Information:, or

Distance Library Services help patrons living outside Dane County gain easier access to library materials. One of the services provides free book delivery to and from a user’s home. See the Distance Library Services Web page at for information on this and other related programs.

Book Express involves the library considering whether to purchase items requested through interlibrary loan. Information:

College Library Offers Late-Night Reference Help
The reference desk at College Library is open until midnight Sunday-Wednesday, with librarians available before 9:30 p.m. From 9:30 p.m.-midnight, the desk is staffed by School of Library and Information Studies graduate students who can provide assistance using MadCat and library databases. Information:

Subjects Sought for Study
John Marshall, professor of psychiatry, is recruiting subjects for a medication study. Participants must be experiencing recurrent depression symptoms, such as sleep disturbances, lack of motivation and changes in appetite. Information: 263-6171,

Children Wanted for Voice Study
The Department of Surgery is looking for participants for a study to develop a questionnaire for evaluating hoarse voices in children and teenagers, aged 2-18. No medications will be dispensed and no medical procedures will be performed. Children and parents or guardians will meet with the researchers for a 30-minute interview. Participants will be compensated with a McDonald’s coupon. If interested, e-mail telephone number to:

Exercise Study for Breast Cancer Survivors
Lisa Sanborn, kinesiology, is seeking volunteers for an exercise study looking at physical activity and physical fitness levels. The study involves three visits to the UW Sports Medicine Fitness Center and includes a diagnostic exercise test. Breast cancer survivors should be 50-69 years of age, post-menopausal, diagnosed with stage I-III breast cancer, be at least three months post-treatment but not more than two years post-treatment, free from cardiovascular disease and free from any orthopedic problems. Information: 263-0854,