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September 24, 2002

Academic Staff Needs You
The Nominating Committee of the Academic Staff Assembly is calling all academic staff to consider applying their talents to governance and campus committees.

Academic Staff Executive Committee:
Service on the Academic Staff Executive Committee offers individuals the opportunity to learn, first hand, how the university works and who has influence in what ways. ASEC members are the most informed academic staff on campus — they hear the news as it breaks — and may even influence the big issues. They can help set the agenda. They participate on various efforts, such as ad hoc committees, task forces, and search and screen committees, which are at the heart of what they really care about at the university.

If interested in serving in the executive committee or any of the following standing committees, contact Karen

Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee:
This committee reviews policies and procedures relating to academic staff compensation, fringe benefits and other economic benefits.

Districting and Representation Committee:
This committee tackles the problems of how to design the best way for academic staff to be represented in their governance structure. It is charged with reviewing election and districting processes, and to recommend changes to the Academic Staff Assembly.

Personnel Policies and Procedures Committee:
This committee is charged with continuing review of personnel policies and procedures. It has forged the fundamental documents that spell out the procedures of appointments, appeals and more.

Professional Development and Recognition Committee:
This committee explores, promotes, designs and works with campus administration to develop ways to recognize academic staff achievements and to foster academic staff professional development.

Nominating Committee:
This committee puts together the initial slates for ASEC and all the standing committees (except itself — ASEC handles the NC slate). It also recommends names to ASEC for a host of committees across campus. Academic staff who have wide acquaintance with those outside their own units are good candidates for this committee. Contact the Secretary of the Academic Staff, Colleen McCabe at

For information on Academic Staff governance committees, see

For information on university committees, go to:

October Faculty Senate Meeting
The October Faculty Senate meeting will be held Monday, Oct. 7, 3:30 p.m., 272 Bascom Hall. Agenda, minutes and documents will be available online at no later than one week before the meeting. Call Paula Gray, 262-3958, if you have questions regarding distribution of senate materials.

Learning Link Seeks Articles
The Teaching Academy invites academic staff and faculty to submit articles about student assessment to The Learning Link, the academy’s newsletter on issues related to teaching and learning. The February issue will focus on student assessment. Submissions, preferably less than 500 words, are accepted electronically at Send them in text or Microsoft Word format.