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Alumni University begins accepting enrollees

April 20, 1999

For one week this summer, Don Nichols, Thomas Schaub, Nellie McKay, Emily Auerbach, Thomas Lillesand and 14 other UW–Madison faculty or emeritus professors will have their classrooms filled by students they haven’t seen for a while — UW–Madison alumni.

See also:
WAA ‘Day on Campus’ May 7 at Monona Terrace

The alums, along with family members and others who wish to participate, will hear about the faculty members’ areas of expertise during the 10th annual Alumni University. UW–Madison faculty and staff also may enroll.

“Roommates who haven’t been back to the campus for 20 or 30 years arrange to meet at Alumni U, while some alumni bring their spouse to see the campus for the first time,” says Roger Maclean, associate dean of the Division of Continuing Studies.

The educational program, scheduled for June 21-25, is sponsored by the Division of Continuing Studies in cooperation with the Wisconsin Alumni Association. The 1999 program will feature five series of presentations on the global community, American writers, science and technology, media and society, and the university sesquicentennial.

The program begins with a reception and dinner on Monday, June 21, followed by morning lectures, Tuesday through Friday, at Grainger Hall. Afternoons offer optional tours to new buildings, including the Biochemistry Building, the Kohl Center and the newly remodeled Red Gym. In the evenings, participants are on their own but can join in other activities in Madison, such as the Concert on the Square on Wednesday and a UW–Madison Summer Forum, “150 Years of University of Wisconsin: Discoveries and Service,” on Tuesday and Thursday. The five-day alumni program ends with a cookout luncheon and graduation ceremony on Friday.

Program registration fees vary: the educational program, a partial meal plan and parking is $330; with the full meal plan, the cost is $370; and with lodging at Sellery Hall the cost is $470. Information: Kathy Berigan, (608) 263-3494;

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